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2 Activity Based Costing
Working Capital Funds Research Development & Acquisitions Economic Analysis PPBE Process MASTER DATA 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 FINAL JEOPARDY

3 Ties together the Army’s Strategy, Program, and Budget.
PPBE Process for 1 Ties together the Army’s Strategy, Program, and Budget. What is Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE)?

4 What is Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE)?
PPBE Process for 1 What is Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE)?

5 PPBE Process for 2 Responsible for initially evaluating and prioritizing Management Decision Evaluation Package (MDEPs) at the HQDA level. Who is Program Evaluation Groups (PEGs)?

6 Who is Program Evaluation Groups (PEGs)?
PPBE Process for 2 Who is Program Evaluation Groups (PEGs)?

7 Provides the strategic foundation for all DoD planning.
PPBE Process for 3 Provides the strategic foundation for all DoD planning. What is the Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS)?

8 What is the Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS)?
PPBE Process for 3 What is the Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS)?

9 PPBE Process for 4 Army Strategic Planning Guidance (ASPG), Army Strategic Plan (ASP), Army Planning Guidance (APG), the Army Program Guidance Memorandum (APGM), and Army Campaign Plan (ACP). What is the Army Plan?

10 PPBE Process for 4 What is the Army Plan?

11 Multi-yr package containing execution, budget, and program data.
PPBE Process for 5 PPBE Process for 5 Multi-yr package containing execution, budget, and program data. What is the Management Decision Package (MDEP)?

12 What is the Management Decision Package (MDEP)?
PPBE Process for 5 What is the Management Decision Package (MDEP)?

13 Manages and executes programs.
RD&A for 1 Manages and executes programs. What is the Program Manager (PM)?

14 What is the Program Manager (PM)?
RD&A for 1 What is the Program Manager (PM)?

15 Army Procurement Appropriations are managed by this.
RD&A for 2 Army Procurement Appropriations are managed by this. What is Budget Line Item Number (BLIN) ?

16 What is Budget Line Item Number (BLIN) ?
RD&A for 2 What is Budget Line Item Number (BLIN) ?

17 RD&A for 3 Established the Defense / Service Acquisition Executive, (DSA, SAE), and Program Executive Officer (PEO).

18 What is the National Security Decision Directive Act?
RD&A for 3 What is the National Security Decision Directive Act? What is the National Security Decision Directive Act?

19 RD&A for 4 TRADOC system used to identify and prioritize Army warfighting requirements. What is Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel and Facilities (DOTMLPF-P)? (Also the RGP- Requirements Generation Process)

20 RD&A for 4 What is Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel and Facilities and Policy (DOTMLPF-P)?

21 RD&A for 5 Is the senior procurement executive and the principal staff assistant and advisor to the SECDEF.

22 RD&A for 5 Who is the Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE) ? (also called the USD (AT&L) Who is the Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE) ? (also called the USD (AT&L)

23 Master Data for 1 The part of the Application of Funds that describes the major purpose of the appropriation. What is the Appropriation Symbol?

24 What is the Appropriation Symbol?
Master Data for 1 What is the Appropriation Symbol?

25 Identifies the type of goods or services being purchased.
Master Data for 2 Identifies the type of goods or services being purchased.

26 What is the Commitment item?
Master Data for 2 What is the Commitment item? What is the Commitment item?

27 Master Data for 3 A system developed number that tracks a transaction from commitment to disbursement. What is a General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) Assigned Reference Number? (FMZ, PR/ PO, etc)

28 Master Data for 3 What is a General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) Assigned Reference Number? (FMZ, PR/ PO, etc)

29 Represent an organizational unit where cost are incurred.
Master Data for 4 . Represent an organizational unit where cost are incurred. What is a cost center?

30 Master Data for 4 What is a Cost Center?

31 Master Data for 5 No new obligations can be made, but obligation adjustments and disbursements can be made during this time. What is the expired state

32 What is the expired state?
Master Data for 5 What is the expired state?

33 Activity Based Costing for 1
Product, service, or object that created the costs. What is the cost object?

34 Activity Based Costing for 1
What is Cost Object?

35 Activity Based Costing for 2
An aggregation of incurred or source costs to be distributed. What is a cost pool?

36 Activity Based Costing for 2
What is Cost Pool?

37 Activity Based Costing for 3
The mechanics of deriving management information from the cost pool. What is method of distribution

38 Activity Based Costing for 3
What is Method of Distribution?

39 Activity Based Costing for 4
Two allocation methods. What are rate and proportion method

40 Activity Based Costing for 4
What are rate and proportion method?


42 Activity Based Costing for 5
Congress established an act that requires federal agencies to promote financial management and develop the information needed for better financial management. What is the Chief Financial Officers Act?

43 Activity Based Costing for 5
What is the Chief Financial Officers Act?

44 Economic Analysis for 1 Initial investments to get a project started or refurbishments to improve a process within a project. What is a one time cost?

45 Economic Analysis for 1 What is One time cost?

46 Costs that are paid on a regular basis, such as annual or monthly.
Economic Analysis for 2 Costs that are paid on a regular basis, such as annual or monthly. What is recurring cost?

47 Economic Analysis for 2 What is recurring cost?

48 Conducts the economic analysis for the Army.
What is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Cost and Economics (DASA-CE)?

49 Economic Analysis for 3 What is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Cost and Economics (DASA-CE)?

50 Money spent no matter what direction you take later.
Economic Analysis for 4 Money spent no matter what direction you take later. What is sunk cost

51 Economic Analysis for 4 What is sunk cost?

52 A commitment of resources in the present in hope of future benefits.
Economic Analysis for 5 A commitment of resources in the present in hope of future benefits. What is an investiment?

53 Economic Analysis for 5 What is Investment?

54 Working Capital Funds for 1
Costs that are clearly attributable to a specific product or service. What is direct cost?

55 Working Capital Funds for 1
What is Direct Costs?


57 Working Capital Funds for 2
Costs that are associated with a product or service, but are not directly attributable to one product or service. What is indirect cost

58 Working Capital Funds for 2
What is Indirect Costs?

59 Working Capital Funds for 3
Working Capital Funds main Goal. What is to break even?

60 Working Capital Funds for 3
What is to break even?

61 Working Capital Funds for 4
Working Capital Funds have two source of funds. What are Congressional Appropriations and Customer Reimbursements?

62 Working Capital Funds for 4
What are Congressional Appropriations and Customer Reimbursements?

63 Working Capital Funds for 5
Types of cost associated with WCF. What is Direct and Indirect Costs?

64 Working Capital Funds for 5
What is Direct and Indirect Costs?

65 DoD / DA Installation Model
FINAL JEOPARDY DoD / DA Installation Model

66 Serve directly as military advisors to the President and SECDEF.
FINAL JEOPARDY Serve directly as military advisors to the President and SECDEF. Who are Joint Chiefs of Staff?

67 Who are Joint Chiefs of Staff?
FINAL JEOPARDY Who are Joint Chiefs of Staff?

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