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General Safety Procedures for Shop

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Presentation on theme: "General Safety Procedures for Shop"— Presentation transcript:

1 General Safety Procedures for Shop
Shop Safety General Safety Procedures for Shop

2 Objectives Understand basic safety for the shop
Take quiz on safety procedures

3 Shop Safety Rules Be in assigned seat at beginning of the period.
Wear safety glasses at ALL TIMES in the shop. Use special shields or helmets when necessary.

4 General Shop Safety Rules
DO NOT throw objects in the shop (walk them to other students or instructors) Avoid “horseplay” at all times. Removed from shop Walk, do not run, in the shop. No emergency requires running. Wear protective clothing (aprons, shop coats, hard shoes-NO SANDALS) Avoid loose clothing and jewelry in the shop. Keep the shop in order and clean at all times.

5 General Shop Safety Rules
Report ALL ACCIDENTS, including minor cuts and scratches, to instructor. First Aid Kit is available Remain in shop or classroom at all times unless excused by instructor. Get Permission to leave

6 General Shop Safety Rules
Help with shop cleanup and storage duties until everyone is finished and excused by instructor. Clean Up Schedule is Posted Each Week Never operate equipment unless you have been show how to use properly by instructor and are authorized to use. Never operate machines unless all guards are in place or machines is OK’d by instructor.

7 General Shop Safety Rules
Use all tools for their intended purpose and in an approved manner. Stand to the left side of grinding wheel and blades while machines gain speed.

8 General Shop Safety Rules
DO NOT talk to or distract other while using equipment. Removed from shop. Do not leave machines while they are running. DO NOT adjust, repair, oil, or clean machines while they are running. Report all unsafe situations or students to instructor, including improperly working machines.

9 General Shop Safety Rules
Handle and store all chemicals and fuels in the proper way. Yellow cabinet for storage or flammable. Lift and move heavy objects in prescribed manner.

10 General Shop Safety Rules
Keep your attention on your work. Follow all directions from instructor. Shop is by my rules, NOT YOURS !!! DO NOT handle hot metal with gloves. Use Pliers.

11 Shop Injuries Breakdown of injuries in shop: 10% Head-Blue
25% Body-Purple 36% Arms & Hands- Blue/Green 12% Legs -Light Green 12% Feet-Dark Green

12 Any Questions?

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