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The American Revolution

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1 The American Revolution
By: Alexa Kirschner 7-T

2 American Revolution- Introduction
Years Sides- The colonists and the British Resolution- The colonists won their freedom and independence from Britain rule.

3 The Major Causes of the American Revolution
The British Government began to impose taxes upon the American Colonists. Acts, and the Townshend acts, angered the colonists, especially in Massachusetts. They wanted to have freedom and branch off into a new nation. They had a disagreement because of the way Britian treated the colonies versus the way the colonies felt they should be treated. The colonists were mad at the king of Britain for giving them harsh rulings and taxes on unnecessary items.

4 Significant Person- Patriot- Molly Pitcher
Her name was Mary but her nickname got changed to Molly Pitcher because she married a soldier named John Caper Hays. She helped with the soldiers by giving them drinks from a pitcher, and also food. Then when her husband died, she felt so mad and actually pretended to be a soldier and fought in the war to honor him.

5 Significant Person – Loyalist- William Howe
He was a British general in the revolutionary war. He was prepared to seize New York City. Escaped serious trouble during the Battle of White Plains Had a victory as general in the Battle of Long Island. Howe Decided to attack straight up Breed’s Hill and won.

6 The Significant Battle-Turning Point- Battle of Bunker Hill
The first two times the colonists won the battle. During the third time, the British won. This proved to the colonists that they could stand up to the British. This lifted their spirits to fight back by shooting cannons over Britain and they surrendered and couldn’t fight back. Later on the Declaration of Independence was signed and passed.

7 Life on the Home front They were in danger from many battles.
Had to go through even harsher British rule because of the fight for independence. Had many protests for both sides of the war-Both Patriots and Loyalists. Had food shortages and financial burdens. Women had to take on many of men’s duties because most men fought in the war.

8 Final resolution- Making Peace with Britain
Although the king wanted to keep fighting, Parliament voted in favor of peace. They signed the Treaty of Paris on April 15, 1783. The Boundaries of the new nation were the Atlantic on the east, Canada on the north, Mississippi River on the west, and Florida on the south. All states had to agree to “earnestly recommend” that they would restore rights and property taken from loyalists during the war.

9 Major Effects of the War
The colonists won their independence and freedom from Britian. Signed the Declaration of Independence Signed a peace treaty with Britain Created a new nation of thirteen independent states . Cemented ideas like equality and liberty. Became a role model for French and Latin America.

10 Resources SS History of the American Nation Textbook

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