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Resident School Policies

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Presentation on theme: "Resident School Policies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resident School Policies

2 1. Background: Name “Resident School” “Grand Rounds”

3 2. Format (w/ updates) 1st Wed
MCH and Resident Wellness and quarterly ECHO 2nd Wed Clinic-Based Resident School (CBRS) alternates with Pediatrics 3rd Wed Core Topics, QI Forum (formerly known as M & M), Journal Club 4th Wed Procedures / Geriatrics / Core Topics Resident Mtg/ Resident + Faculty Mtg 5th Wed Behavioral and Mental Health

4 2. Format/ Schedule:

5 3. Attendance A

6 3. Attendance: If you can’t make it C
On night float, away rotation, vacation? Excused Not on one of those rotations? Ashley Banks and Dolores Garcia before the session to let them know the reason. Other

7 3. Attendance D Unexcused absences from Wednesday afternoons will count as vacation time used A pattern of arriving later than 1:15pm will also lead to the removal of vacation time. (4 = ½ day)

8 Resident Participation A
Journal Club QI Forum Resident Wellness

9 Resident Participation B
Speaker/Topic Suggestions Present Participate Evaluations

10 Cool Stuff

11 Discussion

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