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Presentation on theme: "CRITERION E: QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS"— Presentation transcript:

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems Training @redlisteco IUCN Red List of Ecosystems

2 Purpose Criterion E: Quantitative Risk Analysis
Threatening processes Risk of loss of characteristic native biota A Declining distribution C Degradation of abiotic environment D Altered biotic processes Ecosystem distribution Ecosystem function B Restricted Purpose Enable synthesis across all major threats and mechanisms of collapse Formal integration of interactions between spatial & functional processes An overarching framework for the RLE criteria Anchors the risk model

3 Criterion E: Quantitative Risk Analysis
E. Quantitative analysis that estimates the probability of ecosystem collapse to be: CR ≥ 50% within 50 years EN ≥ 20% within 50 years VU ≥ 10% within 100 years

4 How to quantify risk of collapse
Use simulation models that: Incorporate key features & processes Key species, structural features Major processes that sustain ecosystem identity Major threats and their effects on 1 & 2 Incorporate stochasticity in key processes & threats e.g. effects of variable climate, probability of fires, etc. Simulate plausible future scenarios Many replicate simulations Produce quantitative estimates of the risk of ecosystem collapse over years Proportion of model runs in which the ecosystem collapses

5 How to estimate probability of collapse
Some candidate model types: Spatial models (e.g. cellular automata) State-and-transition models Mass-balance models Bifurcation plots Network theory Graph theory Dynamic species distribution and population models General ecosystem models (e.g. the Madingley model) “Ecosystem viability analysis” (EVA) Model selection will depend on: Ecosystem type Data availability How to represent uncertainty How to incorporate stochasticity

6 Process for developing models

7 Example: Mountain Ash Forest
Tall eucalypt forest ecosystem Key features Large trees (>50m), dense understory Diverse tree-dependent fauna Temperature and precipitation determine distribution (‘wet and cool’) Key processes Recurring wildland fires Timber harvest Burns et al. 2015

8 Example: Mountain Ash Forest
Ecosystem collapse: When Hollow Bearing Trees HBT <1/ha x Oldgrowth forest >1 HBT/ha Regrowth forest <1 HBT/ha < 1 year > 120 years Model - calculates future (50yrs) HBT density as a function of: Initial HBT density Probability of fire Probability of logging Projected climate suitability Burns et al. 2015 39 modelled scenarios of logging and fire under future climate Logging: none/regrowth only/unrestricted Fire: none/small/medium/large extent 10,000 simulations

9 Example: Mountain Ash Forest
Results: All scenarios: ≥92% chance of reaching a collapsed state (<1 HBT/hectare) in 50 years Scenarios with unrestricted logging, medium and large fires produced most severe effects

10 Further reading … Models RLE case studies Guidelines

11 Contact If you want to contact us, write us to:
Join our forum of evaluators in: Follow us on: IUCN Red List of Ecosystems @redlisteco @redlist_of_ecosystems

12 Thank you to our donors, supporters & partners


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