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Dialogue of Life and Faith DOPIM Strengthening BEC Dialogue of Life and Faith IRD, IP Peace Building (Duyog Marawi) Education and Evangelization of.

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3 Dialogue of Life and Faith
DOPIM Strengthening BEC Dialogue of Life and Faith IRD, IP Peace Building (Duyog Marawi) Education and Evangelization of all levels.




7 KIDMACO Concerns of the ministries including IP, IRD, Youth, Catechetics, Family and Life, Social Action, Environment, Policies regarding Sacraments, Illegal Drug Problems Peace and Security with regards to insurgencies and religious extrimism.



10 BECs 1. IRD in general and catholic schools in particular
1. Strengthening of BEC formation and orientation on Clergy, Religious and Lay 1. Communion of ministries IPA 2.FAMILY (Renewing, Strengthening and Re-instilling the Gospel values in the family) 2. Dialogue of life and faith (IRD, IP) 2. Strengthening of the Social Action Programs and Services down to the BEC selda 2. Peace and security regarding insurgencies and religious extremism NB: Convocation of the 1st Pastoral Assembly of the Metropolitan Province 2. IRD

11 BECs 1. IRD in general and catholic schools in particular
1. Strengthening of BEC formation and orientation of Clergy, Religious and Lay 1. Communion of ministries Implement and Strengthen IPA in the Parish 2.FAMILY (Renewing, Strengthening and Re-instilling the Gospel values in the family) 2. Dialogue of life and faith (IRD, IP) 2. Strengthening of the Social Action Programs and Services down to the BEC selda 2. Peace and security regarding insurgencies and religious extremism NB: Convocation of the 1st Pastoral Assembly of the Metropolitan Province 2. Implement and Strengthen IRD in the Parish

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