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Foreign Animal Disease Response Train the Trainer

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1 Foreign Animal Disease Response Train the Trainer
Adult Learning Foreign Animal Disease Response Train the Trainer Kirkwood Community College

2 Overview In order to present successful training programs, particularly to diverse audiences with different training needs, trainers need to be able to adapt course material to accommodate various learning styles. Adult Learner Version 9

3 Goal This module introduces participants to the elements of instructional design, Gagne’s conditions of learning, and elements of adult learning theory, incorporating the following principles : Learning causes an observable change in the participant. Skills should be learned one at a time. Each new skill learned should build on previously acquired skills. Gagne is not the only educational psychologist. There are many others with valid concepts and ideas on adult learning. Maslow, Geller, Hunter are a few names that are renowned in the educational world. Adult Learner Version 9

4 Terminal Learning Objective
Apply adult learning theory and practice into Foreign Animal Disease Response (FADR) training delivery. Adult Learner Version 9

5 Enabling Objectives Using Gagne’s conditions of learning and elements of Adult Learning Theory, participants will be able to: Recognize five common categories of learning. List the key elements of Adult Learning Theory Implement adult learning theory in the participant teach-back. Adult Learner Version 9

6 Categories of Learning
Gagne’s theory stipulates there are several different types or levels of learning; each requiring different types of instruction. Gagne identifies five major categories of learning: Verbal information. Intellectual skills. Cognitive strategies. Motor skills. Attitudes. Trainers need to provide methods for accommodating these conditions of learning in their instructional delivery of any training. This will vary from trainer to trainer based upon their delivery style and available instructional support tools and equipment. Adult Learner Version 9

7 Nine Conditions to Successful Learning
Gaining attention Informing participants of objectives Retrieval Presenting new material Providing learning guidance Eliciting performance Providing feedback Assessing performance Retention and transfer The trainer needs to identify methods for attaining these nine conditions of learning. These methods will vary based upon the trainer’s method of instructional delivery. Every instructor is unique in his or her delivery skills and techniques. Gaining attention (reception) Informing learners of objectives (direction) Retrieval (recall) Presenting new material (content) Providing learning guidance (application) Eliciting performance (application) Providing feedback (application) Assessing performance (evaluation) Retention and transfer (closure) Adult Learner Version 9

8 Key Elements of Adult Learning
Adults learn best by doing. Learners should be engaged in learning and encouraged to be self-directed. Take advantage of learner’s experience and previous experiences. Learning activities have more relevance if they relate directly to learner’s circumstances. Take individual learning styles and demonstrate each new element of learning at least two different ways and three different times. Use varying approaches and circumstances. Draw upon the participants experiences. Actively engage them to share those experiences and how they may apply to an FADR response. Remember the primary learning modalities of hearing, seeing and touching (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic) and incorporate this modalities in the training. Adult Learner Version 9

9 Tips Related to Adult Learning
Establish a climate conducive to learning. Design training to be approximately 35% presentation and 65% application and feedback. This is accomplished by establishing a level of trust between the instructor and the participants; having an adequate classroom that is appropriate in size; engaging participants with questions and paper pencil exercises. Ask the participants to discuss why this is a good practice. For example, studies show that formation that is either seen or heard is not retained as long as information that is both seen and heard; add practice or physical activity to seeing and hearing and retention of information continues to increase. Adult Learner Version 9

10 Considerations for Adult Learners
Commit to learning when the goals and objectives are considered realistic and important to them. Want to be the origin of their own learning and will resist learning activities they believe are an attack on their competence. Need direct, concrete experiences to apply the learning in real work. Need to receive feedback on how they are doing and the results of their efforts. Always relate the learning to what they know and what they may be asked to do and how these two components compliment one another. Application in the “real world” is important to the adult learner’s personal and professional needs. Give participants some control over the what, who, how, why, when, and where of their learning. Adult Learner Version 9

11 Considerations for Adult Learners
Participate in small group activities during learning to move them beyond understanding and provide an opportunity to share, reflect, and generalize their learning experiences by: Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Most adults like the security of being a part of small group situations. Adult Learner Version 9

12 Considerations for Adult Learners
Adult learners come to learning with a wide range of previous : Experiences Knowledge Self direction Interests Skills Trainers need to draw upon these areas of participant knowledge and abilities to effectively direct training delivery. Adult Learner Version 9

13 Trainers The ability to deliver effective training can be acquired and demonstrated by anyone that has the desire to do so. Despite the concept that you “can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, adults are life long learners. With the desire to learn and the desire to impart information anyone can develop the ability to deliver effective training. Adult Learner Version 9

14 Qualities of an Effective Trainer
Active Listening is the ability to hear not only what a person is stating, but also what his or her underlying feelings are about the subject. Trainers need to key in on body language and facial expressions to fully comprehend what a learner is actually feeling on a topic. The trainer needs to interpret what participant attitude and engagement with all activities. Adult Learner Version 9

15 Qualities of an Effective Trainer
Peripheral vision is the ability to sense the group process and to make a fairly accurate assessment of what you imagine each group member is experiencing. Trainers need to keep attuned to the overall “atmosphere” of the group as it relates to the information or activity being conducted. Adult Learner Version 9

16 Qualities of an Effective Trainer
Empathy is the quality of a good trainer that refers to the ability to put yourself in the other person’s shoes, to see the world as he or she sees it. Trainers need to accept not all participants or learners are comfortable with particular tasks or roles they may be asked to perform. Adult Learner Version 9

17 Qualities of an Effective Trainer
Sense of timing is knowing when to intervene and when to remain silent. Trainers need to maintain control of all activities and keep them following in a positive direction. Adult Learner Version 9

18 Qualities of an Effective Trainer
Clarity is an important characteristic of an effective trainer. Trainers need to be “crystal” about the information they are communicating. Short, concise, complete and to the point. Adult Learner Version 9

19 Qualities of an Effective Trainer
Differentiation is the ability of the trainer to separate him/her self from the participants, so that the trainer is able to facilitate the group process. Trainers need to understand participants may not share the same enthusiasm and excitement they do. Adult Learner Version 9

20 Qualities of an Effective Trainer
Variability means the ability to be both confrontational and supportive, serious or light, depending on the circumstances. Trainers need to have the ability to identify when to be confrontational and when to support. Confrontation should be used only to control a participant that is “out of control”. Adult Learner Version 9

21 Qualities of an Effective Trainer
Sensitivity is the ability to reach each participant, to touch each member emotionally, intellectually, or physically. Trainer sensitivity to the needs of participants is a vital component in being a successful and effective trainer. Adult Learner Version 9

22 Qualities of an Effective Trainer
Self-disclosure is a willingness to share one’s feelings, thoughts, reactions, and appropriate personal information with participants in the training. Flexibility is the willingness of the trainer to give up pre-conceptions. Trainers need to be careful what they share with participants and know there are alternatives to most all situations. Adult Learner Version 9

23 Effective Trainer Behaviors
Be Direct Share Leadership Be A Role Model Be Yourself Be Prepared Be Clear Be Positive Be Sensitive Be Energetic Use Humor These behaviors compliment the qualities of an effective trainer. Adult Learner Version 9

24 Learning Styles Transfer of learning for adults is not automatic and must be facilitated. Coaching and other kinds of follow-up support are needed to help adult learners transfer learning into daily practice so that it is sustained. Adult Learner Version 9

25 Learning Styles Passive learners Active learners
Reading manuals and books Watching an audio-visual presentation Hearing a lecture Observing demonstrations Active learners Participating in discussions Role-playing Performing an experiment Taking a field trip Hands-on learning Responding to a scenario Making a presentation Adult Learner Version 9

26 Key Points about Adult Training
Must be relevant. Should be of immediate use or benefit to the learner. Most important resource in the training is the participants themselves. Must focus at all times on the learner. Any training must be relevant. This adult learning module has application with any training delivery. From an FADR training perspective, the training and information needs to correlate with what participants can be expected to do, if their assistance is required in a FAD response. Adult Learner Version 9

27 Summary Focus on real world problems.
Emphasize how the learning can be applied. Relate the learning to the participant’s goal. Allow debate and challenge ideas. Relate the materials to the participant’s experiences. Listen to and respect the opinions of participants. Encourage participants to be resources to you and to each other. Treat participants like adults. Adult Learner Version 9

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