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Academic Institution (AI) Portal and Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC) Leveraging Technology to Support our Military Community CCME, Mar 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Institution (AI) Portal and Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC) Leveraging Technology to Support our Military Community CCME, Mar 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Institution (AI) Portal and Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC)
Leveraging Technology to Support our Military Community CCME, Mar 2018

2 Agenda Our Customers AI Portal Benefits Password Requirements
Course Catalog, Credit Costs, and Term Dates Installation Access Requests AI Portal Training Air Force Automated Education Management System (AFAEMS) Training Air University - Associate to Baccalaureate Cooperative (AU-ABC) and General Education Mobile (GEM) Programs Degree Completion Submissions AFVEC Benefits AI Portal Requirements and Airman Impact AI Portal Updates since last CCME Cloud Move

3 Our Customers Air Force Education Centers Navy Regional Managers
Coast Guard AEP Program Managers Academic Institutions Explain how all three systems interact. Give example from student applying for TA to the invoicing process. Air Force Active Duty, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, Coast Guard, and Civilians

4 AI Portal Benefits Electronic submission of invoices
Faster payment Current status of submitted invoices Real time grade submissions (87,462 grades or 96.5% submitted via AI Portal) Submit installation access requests Update school information Load degree programs (required) Load term dates and credit costs Submit degree completions Submit school refunds View school ratings Register for AU-ABC Program Register for GEM Program

5 Password Requirements
To protect against cyber-attacks, the AI Portal is strengthening password requirements. Effective 1 Apr 2018, following password requirements will be implemented: Passwords must be at least 54 characters but not more than 56 characters long 27 characters must be in non-repeating letters The time allowed to enter the password is between 3 and 6 seconds Users will be required to reset their password after one correct attempt This is a joke!!

6 Password Requirements
AI Portal security requirements must adhere to the Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIG) STIGS are configuration standards for DoD IA systems References from STIG: System application must enforce a minimum 15-character password length The shorter the password, the lower number of possible combinations that need to be tested before the password is compromised System application must prohibit password reuse for a minimum of five generations System application must enforce a 60-day maximum password lifetime restriction

7 Course Catalog, Costs, and Dates
Click School and then select either course catalog, course credit costs, or school terms

8 Installation Access Requests
Effective 3 Jan 2017, schools are required to complete their installation access request within seven days of access date. Failure to complete visit will prevent future access visits from being requested Air Force - 35 Navy Active Duty - 23 FY17 Completed requests Air Force – 747 Navy – 1,047 Note: AI Portal users may request visitation on behalf of co-worker

9 “Completing” the Visit
Schools must “complete” their approved requests Cannot complete until access date has passed Ed Fair and Meet with ETS Chief visits must click “Complete Request” Advise/Counsel students require additional information Actual count of students seen Roster listing student name, degree ( Do not include PII) Within AI Portal, click name to process

10 Ed Fair or Meet with ETS Chief
Click button, located bottom of an opened approved visit Or Advise/Counsel Ed Fair or Meet with ETS Chief Report actual students Once submitted, visit is “complete” Can’t be deleted or edited Viewable by clicking installation name

11 AI Portal Training Last Thursday of each month, 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM Central Time Topics discussed: Submitting invoices Processing payments Submitting / Changing Grades Loading course catalogs, credit costs, term dates Loading degree programs (required) Submitting installation access requests Submitting degree completions Submitting refunds Call in information located on AI Portal homepage, System Announcements Call in information is located in System Announcements

12 AFAEMS Training 2nd Wednesday & Thursday every other month
Wednesday times: 1:00 PM & 6:00 PM Central Time Thursday times: 6:00 AM & 1:00 PM Central Time Topics discussed: Newly released items Status of AFAEMS Working Group Approved Suggestions Air Staff or MAJCOM suggested topics Open Discussion (Q & A) Open to all AFAEMS users Call in information located on AFAEMS forums one week prior to training

13 AU-ABC The AU-ABC directs Airmen with Associate in Applied Science degrees from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) to a collection of accredited colleges and universities to consider when completing a four-year degree 64 Approved AU-ABC schools 247 Approved AU-ABC programs 22,361 Approved education goals For additional information regarding AU-ABC or to be an AU-ABC school, please contact: Michelle Garten Program Manager, AU-ABC & GEM or

14 General Education Mobile
GEM is a partnership between CCAF & partnering regionally accredited civilian schools to provide general education courses that meet CCAF requirements in an online format: Anytime & Anywhere availability 90 schools with approved GEM plans 1,709 approved GEM courses For additional information regarding GEM or to be a GEM school, please contact: Michelle Garten Program Manager, AU-ABC & GEM or

15 Degree Completion Submissions
Online Services > Degrees > Submit Two tabs under Goals Potential Completions – Displays students within 6SH of completing education goal All – Displays students with approved education goals with at least one course applied School inputs Awarded Degree Title and Completion Date. Source document is always required and must be either: Official transcript Official letter (Students name, degree title, conferral date, on school letterhead) Education centers process the degree completions

16 Degree Completion Submissions
Step 1 Step 2

17 AFVEC Benefits One Stop Shopping for AF Active Duty, AF Reserves, Air National Guard, and Civilians Search for schools Search for degree programs (42,049 programs currently loaded via AI Portal) 1,974 STEM degrees loaded in AI Portal Search / Apply for funding for AF Credential Opportunities On-Line (COOL) View enrollments / GPA (2.0 for undergrad, 3.0 for grad) Apply for tuition assistance (Automatically shows on AI Portal when approved) View CCAF Web Progress Report Request CCAF transcript Rate their school / View school ratings View posted grades (from AI Portal) View GEM and AU-ABC schools

18 AI Portal Requirements and Airman Impact
Load Degree programs Cannot submit education goal Submit grades No TA and possible reimbursement Update directory Grades cannot be updated Report degree completions Education Levels not updated Manage term dates Airman cannot apply for TA Manage course catalog (course listing) Airman cannot select course during TA application

19 AI Portal Updates since last CCME
Added Civilian TA as a selectable funding program. Added Coast Guard – AEP as a selectable funding program. Changed the course requirement for students in regards to an evaluated degree completion. Instead of completing 6 SH before needing an evaluated degree plan, students now can take 2 courses regardless of how many credits are on that course (assists schools offering 4sh courses) Schools must enter the required credits when loading a degree program Provided ability to Export to Excel course catalog and degree programs Added “attending contact” and “requestor information” to installation access requests that are pending completion (assists if school has many requests in different regions)

20 AI Portal Moving to the Cloud
New URL: Scheduled April

21 Customer Support Team: Joel Derocher, Mike Purnell, Doug Sleigh, Mike Chandlee, Richard Rogers If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please contact us: or call 21

22 Questions

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