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B→φK*, h(‘)K decays and scalar-tensor operators

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1 B→φK*, h(‘)K decays and scalar-tensor operators
H. Hatanaka(Chung-Yuan Christian University中原大學), Based on the work with K. C. Yang(CYCU) (in progress) Outline B→VV polarization & puzzle Scalar-Tensor operators Numerical Analysis Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

2 Polarization in B→VV L,0 :Longitudinal, ∥: Parallel ⊥: Perpendicular
(fig. [Beneke,, hep-ph/ ]) Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

3 B→VV observables Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

4 B→VV polarization puzzle
HFAG06Aug In SM(QCD), AL ≈ 1.0 Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

5 Possible Solutions NP contribution SM
Right-handed current operator(Kagan (2004)) R-parity violating terms(Y.D.Yang non-universal Z’(C.H.Chen & HH, 2006) Scalar-Tensor operators (P.K.Das&K.C.Yang(2004)) combined model analysis(K.C.Yang & HH, in progress) SM Large Charm Penguin(Bauer, 2003) Changing form factors(H.N.Li,, 2004) Large Annihilation(Beneke, 2006) Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

6 NP significance [Das-Yang] Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

7 b→sss scalar-tensor operators
Scalar operators Tensor operators Fierz Transformation Relations: Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

8 NP contribution B→φK* B→η(‘)K : Here Mar. 6, 2007
KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

9 Scalar Tensor-OPs from MSSM
Induced by gluino box diagrams [Borzumati,, PRD62:075005(2000)] @ μ=mW [J.F.Cheng,, NPB701-54(2004)] Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

10 Numerical analysis(preliminary)
Combined analysis of B→η(‘)K and B→φK* # of Data = 7(ηK)+15(φK* )(preliminary:#independent observables=8-10) # of parameters : 7 QCDF(Beneke, 2003) uncertainty in B→ηK: XA, XH(2 complex numbers) We assume the form of (c19,21 are neglected ∵f.t.→(V±A)×(V∓A)-current(sub-leading)) Assume A<<B Scenario A(a25=0⇔ξ’=0) , B(a23=0⇔ξ=0) Sin2bb-ccs=0.674 Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

11 Results(preliminary)-1/4
Best-fit parameters B→φK*: result of scenario A is consistent with [Das-Yang] B→η’K: 2nd best solution (Scenario A) weak phase is small Strong phase~45deg (scenario B) Weak,strong phase are large ~165deg Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

12 Results(preliminary)-2/4
Best fit value for B→η(‘)K Consistent with Exp small(large)Br of B→η(‘)K Large(small)ACP of B→η(‘)K Sin2β is a little bigger than sin2bexp Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

13 Results (preliminary)-3/4
Best fit values for B→φK* (common) Λ00~0.5, Λ||||~0.8Λ⊥⊥ (scenario-A) ACP (Σ⊥||,⊥⊥) ~0 (scenario-B) ACP⊥、tot (Σ⊥||,⊥⊥) ≠0 Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

14 Results(preliminary)-4
Predictions from the fit (common) Small Br of B→ηK0 (scenario-A) Large ACP of B→ηK0 Large sin2beta of B→ηK0 |Δφ|~0 (scenario-B) Small ACP of B→ηK0 Small sin2beta of B→ηK0 Large |Δφ|s Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

15 Summary(preliminary)
Relate the B→VV and B→PP by using Fierz transfs of b->sss Scalar-Tensor operators Combined Numerical analysis of B→φK* and B→η(‘)K in MSSM There are solutions of scalar-tensor NP parameters fitting B→η’K and B→φK* simultaneously. Perspective --- More combinations (e.g., with B→f0K, B→KKK) will improve the information on New Physcs. Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

16 Unused slides Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

17 NP μ=mW Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

18 (ir)relevance B→MM B→PP B→VV B→PV(note) Scalar OP ○(sensitive) ×
Factorization: B→MM B→PP (B→η(’)K) B→VV (B→φK*) B→PV(note) (B→φK, B→K*φ) Scalar OP ○(sensitive) × Tensor OP ×(insensitive) (note) Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

19 Scalar-Tensor OPs in MSSM
Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

20 QCDF corrections-A Hard spectator scattering Vertex correction
(Charm loop and soft spec. scat.) Penguin correction Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

21 QCDF corrections -B Weak annihilation (Flavor singlet annihilation)
Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

22 A+B/B ratio Mar. 6, 2007 KEKPH07, Tsukuba, Japan

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