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1. Hook Introductions Integrated Quote

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1 1. Hook Introductions Integrated Quote
From the text itself, primary source documents, valid sources: Cite it! Avoid,, Anecdote Consider describing an event from the text. This should NOT be personal Interesting Historical Content Cite it!! DO NOT START YOUR PAPER WITH QUESTION Topical Introductory Content You should be introducing the reader to the topic and the topic’s context. Well-developed Thesis Statement

2 Introductions 2. Topical Introductory Content
You should introduce the reader to the topic and the topic’s context Draw connections between your hook and your thesis If you use a quote, explain the significance Sometimes repeating key words helps to make fluid connections between ideas 3. Well-developed Thesis Statement This should be the last sentence of your first paragraph. Make sure you have a how, a what, and a so what.

3 Conclusions A conclusion should… –stress the importance of the thesis statement –give the essay a sense of completeness –leave a final impression on the reader. Avoid: all in all, in conclusion, to sum up etc.

4 Conclusions Redirect your readers
Give your reader something to think about beyond the text If your introduction went from general to specific, make your conclusion go from specific to general If you start with a quote, link back in your conclusion Think globally (try not to do this in a SS paper) Answer the question "So What?" Show your readers that your paper was meaningful and useful Emphasize the so what Synthesize, don't summarize Show how the points you made and the support and examples you used were not random, but fit together

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