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Cell Organelles.

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1 Cell Organelles

2 Cell Review 2 Types of cells
Prokaryotic – no nucleus & no membrane bound organelles Exp = Bacteria Eukaryotic – has a membrane bound nucleus and organelles Exp = protists, fungi, plants, & animals Prokaryotic cells (bacteria) were the first organisms to evolve

3 How did eukaryotic cells evolve?
Endosymbiotic Theory – a long time ago prokaryotic cells engulfed (took in) other prokaryotic cells. Once inside, the two cells formed a permanent relationship that formed eukaryotic cells

4 Evidence of the Endosymbiotic Theory
Mitochondria & chloroplast contain their own circular DNA (similar to bacteria) Mitochondria & chloroplasts have their own ribosomes Mitochondria & chloroplast can reproduce independently of the cell by binary fission (The same way bacteria reproduce!)

5 Nucleus Control center of the cell Contains (DNA)

6 Nucleolus Inside the nucleus Manufactures ribosomes

7 Cytoplasm (cytosol) “Fluid” inside the plasma membrane
Site of many chemical reactions

8 Centrioles Organelle used in cell division
Part of the apparatus that moves and organizes chromosomes.

9 Golgi Apparatus Receives proteins from the ER (packaged in vesicles) then packages, processes and distributes them to the rest of the cell

10 Lysosomes Contain digestive enzymes Digest and recycle used cell parts
Rapid breakdown of protein, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates

11 Plasma Membrane Boundary between the cell and the environment
“Gatekeeper” of the cell Maintains different conditions inside and outside of the cell Allows materials to enter and exit Gives the cell its shape / flexible Plasma Membrane

12 Mitochondria Break down food molecules (glucose) into energy for use by the body “Power house” of the cell

13 Vacuole Temporary storage for water, food, enzymes, waste, and other materials Often very large in plant cells

14 Ribosomes Found on the “Rough ER” and also free in the cytoplasm
Site where enzymes and proteins are assembled

15 Endoplasmic Reticulum
“Subway” system of the cell Move materials through the cell “Smooth” - Lipid synthesis and transport “Rough” - contain ribosomes and transports proteins

16 Cell Wall Inflexible outer boundary surrounding the plasma membrane
Found in plants, fungi, bacteria, and some protists NOT present in animal cells Protects and supports the cell

17 Chloroplasts Found in green plants and algae Site of photosynthesis
Converts energy of the sun into chemical energy (glucose)

18 Capsule Outermost protective covering of a bacterial cell
Area of cytoplasm where the DNA is found

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