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Denny Savage Senior Associate Registrar The University of Alabama

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1 Feed the Beast A Multi-Faceted Approach to Operational Data Requests on Your Campus
Denny Savage Senior Associate Registrar The University of Alabama M2.5 | 2/12/18

2 Agenda 1. The Role of the Registrar as it Pertains to Data
2. Request Intake 3. Departments 4. Colleges, Dean’s Offices, & Administration 4. Internal Reports 5. Questions

3 The Role of the Registrar
Proving What to Whom

4 Operational Data At UA: University Registrar vs. Institutional Research Generally not longitudinal data or statistical analysis Data to be used in day-to-day decision-making Disclaimers about enrollment counts, etc. when compared to census/historical data Limiting access to prior terms Keep it on campus: not to be used for accreditation or other outside purposes

5 Request Intake Managing and Fulfilling Report Requests

6 Receiving Requests 3rd Party Requests Directory Information Only
Fees Associated with the Request Formal Request Procedure Requests from Other UA Employees Computations of operational data handled by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (average grades per section, sections with high D/F/W rates, student class ranking, etc.) Operational data requests handled by University Registrar (class rosters, lists of majors, lists of courses, etc.) Electronic request form validated by single sign-on

7 Employee Request Form

8 Filling Employee Requests
Delivery Methods Data file placed in secure, file-sharing application (Box) Report built in Argos with delivery schedule Report placed in Argos for specific user(s) to run ad-hoc Report built for a wider audience to access in Argos Deciding on Delivery Method Who is requesting the information? How often is this information likely to be requested? Could the requested information been relevant to a wider audience?

9 Departments

10 Departments What data is needed? Tying students to department?
Enrollment Graduation Class Schedule Tying students to department? Majors tied through curriculum rules Minors tied through custom coding Granting access Using faculty coding in Banner Restrict based on associated department Allow access through custom tab in UA portal







17 Colleges, Dean’s Offices and Administration

18 Colleges, Dean’s Offices and Administration
What data is needed? Enrollment Graduation Class Schedule Advising Retention Curriculum Transfer Credit Granting access Access to Argos Client Folder level security College/Office Specific vs. University-Wide

19 Argos Folder Structure

20 Administrative Office Reports
Data that is only relevant or can only be disclosed to a particular office of set of staff Generally specific/narrow sets of data What justifies creation of a folder? Offices that operate and manage students across colleges Disability Services Veterans Affairs Athletic Academics Study Abroad Student Success/Retention Initiatives Offices that manage unique student populations Early College (High School dual enrollment programs) English Language Institute Cooperative Education

21 Administrative Office Reports

22 Administrative Office Reports

23 College Reports Data that is only relevant or can only be disclosed to a particular college Data that needs to be ed to non-Argos users Always limited to students within that particular college What types of data? College-specific rules/requirements College honor society data Level-specific data (Graduate/Law School)

24 College Reports

25 College Reports

26 Dean’s Office Reports Higher level data that allows for reporting across levels and colleges Limited to a small group of users (2-5) within the College Dean’s office or Student Services area Includes limited number of users from the Provost’s Office as well as other academic support staff What types of data? Course and Curriculum (non-FERPA) Student specific enrollment, grading, retention, graduation, transfer credit data

27 Course and Curriculum Reports
Catalog-level data dealing with active course inventory and prerequisites Class Schedule Data Schedule summary Cross-listed sections Grade distribution Missing final grades Permit & authorization setup Curriculum Data Active degrees, majors, concentrations, and minors

28 Enrollment Summary OLAP

29 Student-Specific Dean’s Office Reports
FERPA-protected data Our approach to the presentation of this data has evolved: Started with specific data sets Moved to broader data dumps to allow users to export and manipulate data Currently pushing interactive dashboards with drill-down charting that allow our users to explore the datat

30 Specific Data Set

31 Data Dump

32 Academic Performance Profile

33 Academic Snapshot Dashboard

34 Academic Snapshot Dashboard

35 Academic Snapshot Dashboard

36 Grade Distribution Dashboard

37 Grade Distribution Dashboard

38 Preliminary Enrollment Report
Sent out daily after early registration Sent until census date for the term in question Compares to previous term based on current day and previous census

39 Preliminary Enrollment Dashboard

40 Preliminary Enrollment Dashboard

41 Preliminary Enrollment Dashboard

42 Internal Reports

43 Internal Reports Historically, mostly data-cleanup
The majority were built to be scheduled and sent via daily or semi- daily Types of reports Class schedule coding error cleanup Curriculum cleanup Census cleanup Audit trails Graduation/commencement preparation Athletic rule monitoring Evolving approach Instead of delivering specific data, give your employees the opportunity to explore the data as if they could query the database Allows your staff to become more familiar with the data Allows for a more proactive approach to problem solving More flexible, query dashboards Combining multiple dashboards into a single interface

44 Class Schedule Query Allows the user to slice and dice the data as they see fit Replaces numerous error reports Explore the following tables: SSBSECT: Class Schedule SIRASGN: Instructor Assignment SSRLINK: Section Linking SSRXLST: Cross-Listing SSRMEET: Meeting Pattern, Building and Room

45 Student Curriculum Query
Searching primary curriculum criteria Great for finding test populations Explore the following tables: SGBSTDN: General Student SGRSATT: Student Attributes SHRTTRM: Academic Standing SGRCHRT: Student Cohorts SFRSTCR: Registration

46 Holds Query Allows for mass searching not possible through INB
Prepare your staff for peaks in walk-in and phone traffic Identify holds lacking direction

47 Student, Faculty & Staff Search
Expands on search capability within INB Search across active and inactive s and phone numbers including all types of both s and phone numbers Access enrollment and degree history of selected student

48 Student, Faculty & Staff Search
Allows for a quick, student snapshot Helpful when completing enrollment and degree verifications

49 Student, Faculty & Staff Search
Similar faculty search interface Search across faculty/staff setup in SIAINST

50 Registration Troubleshooting Query

51 Registration Troubleshooting Query
Non-student specific search not possible in INB

52 Registration Troubleshooting

53 Registration Troubleshooting

54 Registration Troubleshooting

55 Summary Intake Security Constituencies Evolve
Have defined procedures, posted publically, that allow for effective management of incoming requests. Security Consider data security when authorizing users and fulfilling requests. Do these users have an educational need for the data? Is the information being stored in a secure manner? Constituencies Cater your reporting options and delivery methods to the different areas of your campus. Reporting and data delivery is not a one-size-fits-all operation. Evolve Solicit feedback from your users. Send regular notifications reminding your users what’s out there. Sit down with your users and see how your data fits into their day. Don’t forget about your own staff.

56 Questions/Comments?

57 Thank you! Denny Savage

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