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Buccaneers SAIL Safe Accountable In Control Lead by Example.

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Presentation on theme: "Buccaneers SAIL Safe Accountable In Control Lead by Example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buccaneers SAIL Safe Accountable In Control Lead by Example

2 Please take a moment to document your kind acts
Did you know that we ALREADY HAVE documented more kind acts than all of last year?

3 Next week is WV college Exploration Week

4 WV College Exploration Week
Is a state-wide campaign to encourage high school students to make post-graduation decisions and complete applications to the higher education programs of their choice. It is also an opportunity for all other WV students to dream big and set goals for their futures. We will have an Advisory lesson on Monday.

5 Tuesday is College Colors Day
On Tuesday, you can wear the colors of your favorite college. This could become your future school! Teachers, please wear the colors of your alma mater. Trivia: Which counselor attended which university?

6 Alma Maters Ms. McCauley earned her Master’s degree from
Ms. Zickefoose earned her Master’s degree from Go Mounties! Go Herd!

7 Thursday is Dress for a job interview day
How should a person dress for an interview? Look your best! What do think a professional work outfit could be?

8 What do you want to be when you grow up?
Before that can happen, you first have to decide to complete your education.

9 Get out your journals please
We are going to begin a life timeline. You can make a timeline in several different ways. Here are two examples:

10 Diploma timeline Our timelines are going to highlight the steps you will be taking to get to high school graduation. We will focus on your post-graduation life next week. So, you will start with your current grade. What accomplishments do you want to make this year? (grades, Junior National Honor Society, athletics, attendance, etc.) Put those on the beginning of the timeline. Next, look at next year: what life accomplishments need to be mentioned. Continue your timeline up to the end of 12th grade. In 12th grade, add some things you hope to do to get ready for GRADUATION (visiting colleges, applying to schools, talking to recruiters, etc.)!

11 Here’s to the Graduating Classes of 2022, 2023 and 2024!

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