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1.2c - Events Leading to the American Revolution

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1 1.2c - Events Leading to the American Revolution
USHC-1.2 Analyze the early development of representative government and political rights in the American colonies, including the influence of the British political system and the rule of law as written in the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights, and the conflict between the colonial legislatures and the British Parliament over the right to tax that resulted in the American Revolutionary War.

2 What the Colonists wanted to accomplish
The colonists were not protesting taxes that were to high or at first attempting to form a new government. They were trying to hold onto a government they developed under the British policy of salutary neglect They did not want representation in Parliament. They want British recognition that only colonial legislatures had the right to impose taxes of the citizens of the colonies.


4 Do you recognize the action in this painting?
What are the people in this painting doing and why?

5 The Boston Tea Party After the Boston Massacre the British repealed the Townsend Acts. The tax on Tea remained in place and after years of salutary neglect the colonists would not accept the the tax. In December of 1773 a group of men dressed as Mohawks raided the ships and threw large amounts of tea into Boston Harbor.

6 The British Response Angry, the British responded with the Coercive Acts which because of their harshness the colonists called the Intolerable Acts. These act attempted to punish the citizens of Boston who the British felt were the cause of the problem. Closed Boston Harbor Placed a military governor over Boston and declared martial law. They extended the Canadian border which took land away from the New England colony.

7 First Continental Congress
In response to the British Intolerable Acts the colonist called the First Continental Congress. This Congress issued a written statement that told the King that because the colonies were not represented in Parliament then they had the right to govern themselves. All hope of a peaceful resolution failed when the British sent troops to capture weapon and ammunition at Concord, Massachusetts. The colonial militia confronted the British at Lexington, Massachusetts. and the first shots of the war were fired. This battle is known in history as the battle of Lexington-Concord.

8 Do now What were reasons the 13 colonies were upset with the British Government?

9 Capital – Boise Gem state – 72 precious gems are produced in Idaho 63% of Idaho is public land.

10 Nevada Nevada is the largest gold-producing state in the nation. It is second in the world behind South Africa Las Vegas has more hotels than anyplace on Earth.

11 Fill in your map Idaho Alaska Oregon AL Nevada Hawaii Washington C A l
Alabama AL Alaska Hawaii




15 The thirteen colonies and Great Britain
The GREATEST ‘breakup’ in American History

16 Second Continental Congress
Less than a month later delegates met for the Second Continental Congress to discuss the worsening situation Then the delegates issued the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776.

17 Second Continental Congress
It is critical to note that the colonists were not protesting against the taxes because taxes were too high nor were they attempting to form a new kind of government. Instead, the colonists were trying to hold onto the government that they had developed during the time of salutary neglect.


19 FRIDAY shout outs!!

20 Flashback friday

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