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RESPONSE RELIEF & RECOVERY -- Revs. Fred Buchanan & Bill Quarles

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2 RESPONSE RELIEF & RECOVERY -- Revs. Fred Buchanan & Bill Quarles


4 During and following a disaster,
Pastor DRC (Disaster Response Coordinator) Leaders of your congregation…. …..will follow the church’s plan as closely as possible, understanding that every situation is unique.

5 At the time of disaster Pastor and church members should address safety and personal needs of themselves of their families before checking on the church building & area damage.

6 Each church plan will be as unique as each disaster.
Remember: Each church plan will be as unique as each disaster. People’s safety will always need to be first.

7 We need to follow up on the
special needs members of our congregation. Elderly Physically Handicapped Mentally Challenged

8 You might : Use phone tree Text message Or whatever works, which may include physically going to a location

9 After the people are cared for, then:
Trustees will assess damage to church property then report it to: DRC, (Disaster Response Coordinator) Pastor District Office Insurance company

10 Facilities Are the buildings safe for use?
The pastor may need to locate and announce an alternative location for worship.

11 Conditions permitting
We will continue to find ways to worship We need to build hope in ourselves and community Call on God to help and inspire us in our time of need

12 Local Community Disaster Plan
Follow local community disaster plan

13 Once conditions allow:
Conduct a community canvass Evaluate extent of damage Help with needs of people Decide how to best help Possibly an easy help Possibly helping rescue someone Calling for ambulance, fire department

14 Report findings to: Local Disaster Relief organizers such as:
UMVIM (United Methodist Volunteers In Missions) Local authorities Local organizations Other church groups and organizations Report finding to the district office

15 Think about your church’s response to:
Tornado Disaster Chemical spill / Train or Truck Earth quake Major ice storm Fire – structural or wild fire

16 What would your church do if it happened:
During worship times? Any other time?


18 The time after the initial RESPONSE begins RELIEF
This is when the work groups come and help make buildings safe. SUCH AS:

19 Removing debris

20 Tarping houses

21 Making things safe for recovery

22 IF POSSIBLE: The pastor will maintain the church's regular worship schedule following a disaster It could mean, using an alternative location.

23 It could be important to:
Hold one or more special worship services to address the spiritual needs of the congregation, Hold more special worship services for the community and those taking part in disaster relief.

24 Key Workers As we help our community to return to normal,
The pastor is expected to take regular breaks from pastoral responsibilities in order to ensure his/her own physical, mental and spiritual health. All key workers need the same breaks and are expected to take time off.

25 If facility use is requested by:
American Red Cross UMVIM Other Community / Church Agency Government Relief Agency Then….

26 The pastor, DRC and/or Board of Trustees chairperson will determine the appropriate response and establish understandings which will guide the use of our facilities. And submit the plan to the district superintendent for approval.

27 When Church building is safe: Determine how to best use the building to minister to the community Plan the possibilities in advance of a disaster

28 Some Churches have facilities for:
Feeding workers Showers Sleeping Storage warehouse Give out ice Restroom access Other helpful things you may discover Staging area, etc

29 As relief assistance is provided to our
church and community, the pastor and DRC (Disaster Response Coordinator) will maintain communications with the district office.

30 If the assistance of an UMVIM ERT team is needed, the pastor will communicate this need to the appropriate conference officials. UMVIM (United Methodist Volunteers In Missions) ERT (Emergency Response Team)

31 UMVIM United Methodist Volunteers in Mission
Emergency Response Team (ERT) Trained In: Removing debris Tarping houses Making things safe for recovery


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