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Chemotherapy Day 2.

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1 Chemotherapy Day 2

2 Chemotherapy Curative- eliminate all cancer cells to achieve permanent cure Adjuvant- kill cancer cells after therapy that cannot be detected Neoadjuvant-done before surgery to shrink tumor to make it operable Palliative- relieve symptoms, halt it, avoid complications

3 Chemotherapy Destroy rapidly producing cells
not “foreign” so your normal cells affected, too hair loss, nausea, ulcers, mouth sores

4 How does it work? Work on CELLULAR level to prevent cell division and reproduction Restrict DNA replication

5 Alkylating Agents Bind to and damage DNA to prevent cell division
work in all phases of cell cycle treats leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin disease, multiple myeloma, sarcomas, lung, breast, ovarian cancer can cause acute leukemia (RARE)

6 Antimetabolites Interferes with DNA and RNA growth by substituting for building blocks for DNA and RNA Damage cells in S phase treat breast, ovarian, intestinal cancers

7 Antitumor Antibodies Prevent DNA from uncoiling and interfere with DNA structure Anthracyclines- interfere with enzymes for DNA replication work in all phases of cell cycle Can permanently damage heart if doses too high**

8 Topoisomerase Inhibitors
Interfere with enzymes that separate DNA strands prevent DNA replication treat leukemias, lung, ovarian, gastrointestinal cancers secondary leukemia a possibility

9 Mitotic inhibitors Stop mitosis and interfere with enzyme activity
Work best during M phase of cell cycle, can damage cells in all phases Treat breast, lung, myelomas, lymphomas, leukemias potential nerve damage**

10 Corticosteroids Used to kill cancer cells Anti-emetics
used before other chemos to prevent allergic reactions

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