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BELLRINGER – 10/6/14 What act put a tax on paper?

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Presentation on theme: "BELLRINGER – 10/6/14 What act put a tax on paper?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLRINGER – 10/6/14 What act put a tax on paper?
What did the Tea Act cause the Colonists to do? Why did England pass the Sugar Act? What 2 things did the Townshend Acts do? What did the Intolerable Acts do? Why were the Intolerable Acts passed?

2 Propaganda

3 Propaganda Definition: Information, usually a drawing or phrase, that is biased or misleading used to promote a political cause or point of view. Examples: posters, slogans, tv commercials “I’m lovin’ it” “Just do it” The Burger King, King


5 Why is it used? Protest against the tax acts Join the army
Colonies to join together Rebels were the main users of propaganda



8 Types of propaganda Bandwagon Plain Folks Logical Fallacies
Name Calling Demonization Glittering Generalities

9 Why does it work?? Fears that seem to be real
It’s every where – so its got to be true People want to believe they are the best The way it is presented – people like pictures!

10 Patriots The colonists who are fighting to break away from England
Minutemen Sons of Liberty Group that organized protests and other resistance movements

11 What’s their beef?? Unfair taxes Sugar, Stamp, Tea
No say so in England’s government “No Taxation, Without Representation” Unfair search of ships and houses Proclamation of 1763 Restricted settlement West of Appalachians Evictions Huge Troop presence

12 Patriots You Should Know
George Washington John Adams Ben Franklin Thomas Jefferson Sam Adams – SOL leader Patrick Henry Paul Revere John Hancock

13 Loyalists The colonists who wanted to remain loyal to England

14 Loyalists and British you should know
King George III Prime Minister George Grenville General Cornwallis General Gage Benedict Arnold William Howe

15 Did you have to pick a side?
Neutral Colonists who did not pick a side Why not choose? No matter who won they would still be ok Just didn’t want to be involved Too much risk

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