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Stefano Bargioni Juan Diego Ramírez

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Presentation on theme: "Stefano Bargioni Juan Diego Ramírez"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stefano Bargioni Juan Diego Ramírez
A DSpace based Digital Library at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce Stefano Bargioni Juan Diego Ramírez 34th ADLUG Meeting - Rome, October 2015

2 The project - Why? Why a digital library at the Pontificia
Università della Santa Croce?

3 The project - Goals A complex main library building Reading Rooms
A campus with three buildings Colleges Rare books Full text search

4 Choosing the software DSpace Ibai An "ADLUG project"

5 DSpace Structure Communities Subcommunities Collections Library
Fondo antico, Fondo moderno, Microfilm Centers CFS, DISF, ISSRA, MCE Schools Comunicazione Sociale Istituzionale, Diritto Canonico, Filosofia, Teologia For each school: Baccellierato, Dottorato, Licenza, Progetti di ricerca, Pubblicazioni

6 Material type rare books thesis agreement with our publisher
agreement with our schools' journals 10% of books covers >80% of education needs digital acquisitions, included music files videos from School of Institutional Communication

7 Copyright Issues protection of modern books intranet text streaming

8 Technicalities (1) a professional scanner PC specific software
students training OCR choosing the software

9 Technicalities (2) pdf viewer requirements Docpub by
Flexpaper by pdfjs open source ...

10 Technicalities (3) nightly processing workflows metadata
from Koha, when possible, or manually

11 intensive CPU activity
Technicalities (4) DSpace server (VM) OCR server (VM) Network Area Storage - NAS NAS (masters) tera bytes http web DSpace OCR intensive CPU activity

12 Two libraries Strongly linked each other

13 Questions? Suggestions!

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