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The IPA traineeship programme

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1 The IPA traineeship programme
MGSC March 2014 Point 9.2 of the Agenda Ferenc Galik Branko Matosevic Turgay Altun

2 What is a traineeship a temporary work experience (secondment)
technical assistance to familiarise them with European statistics Statisticians from the beneficiary may be seconded to units of Eurostat or to NSIs of the EU Member States or EFTA countries Number of participating countries is limited (DE, PT, HU, RO, SI, PL, AT) total of 60 persons for secondment under IPA12 a temporary work experience wherein a trainee performs work in support of the Eurostat’s goals technical assistance Statisticians from the beneficiary may be seconded to units of Eurostat or to NSIs of the EU Member States or EFTA countries to familiarise them with European statistics and existing acquis in different sectors in total of 60 persons for secondment under IPA12 Statisticians from the beneficiary or other national statistics producers (e.g., Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance or the Central Bank) may be seconded to units of Eurostat or to NSIs of the EU Member States or EFTA countries to familiarise them with European statistics and existing acquis in different sectors. For secondment of trainees, it is possible to estimate involvement in total of six persons for secondment, with average trainee period of 153 days.

3 Rules for Traineeships
duration of traineeship is 3.5 or 5 months any stay in Luxembourg is subject to Luxembourgish legislation the trainee is on mission for the duration of his/her stay social and other insurances a per diem of 100 EUR per night spent in Luxembourg travel expenses are eligible Legal status: Any stay in Luxembourg is subject to Luxembourgish legislation. The required documents (e.g. residence permit) will be obtained for each trainee with the assistance of the Commission. If a stay takes place in another EU Member State or EFTA country, the hosting organisation will take care of the necessary permits. Employment status: The trainee is on mission for the duration of his/her stay. The trainee remains in paid employment in its own national administration and thus continues receiving his/her monthly salary during the traineeship. On return to the trainee’s home administration, he/she will be reintegrated in his/her former post. Social and other insurances: The employer of the trainee is responsible for social securities and all necessary insurance for the duration of the traineeship. The insurance should in particular cover any treatment for sickness and accidents for the duration of the traineeship amounting to the cost standards of the hosting country. Payments: The trainee shall be entitled to the following payments under the current grant contract throughout the stay duration: a) Based on the timesheets filled in by the trainee and countersigned by his/her mentor a per diem of 100 EUR per night spent in Luxembourg will be eligible until the end of the stay. If the place of duty is in another EU Member State or EFTA country, the eligible amount of per diem may range from 90 to 100 EUR per night. The first night for which per diem will be eligible is the night preceding the first working day of the trainee. And, the last night for which per diem will be eligible is the night following the last working day of the trainee.

4 Benefits for the host Counterparts win-win process Eurostat Benefits
new skills and fresh ideas for the organisation enhanced community relations productivity improvements a catalyst for rethinking systems and processes Almost an extra employee identify potential future employees Host/mentor satisfaction A catalyst for rethinking systems and processes: training a trainee often encourages staff to rethink and challenge existing work practices. Productivity improvements can be an unexpected consequence of employing a trainee. Employers and supervisors often experience a great deal of satisfaction during the process as they help trainees mould new skills and gain confidence in a work environment

5 Benefits for the trainee
gain hands-on experience and receive mentoring from qualified and experienced senior staff the opportunity to build your CV and get vital experience with local and national employers improving your English encourage trainee to acquire and expand their working skills develop the confidence and self-assurance feel Eurostat organisation’s culture behind the scenes develop the confidence and self-assurance helpful in obtaining employment upon completion of traineeship experience

6 First experience acceptance/invitation letter from Eurostat
first steps and following instructions VADEMECUM a request for a temporary residence permit declaration of arrival in your commune help with finding accommodation Terms of Reference for a traineeship at Eurostat Travel expenses from the trainee's place of origin to Eurostat or EU Member State at the beginning of the traineeship and at the end of the stay are eligible

7 Experience with mentors
enthusiastic about traineeship program willing and able to spend time with trainees interested in teaching, working with trainees knowledgeable in technical areas comfortable providing on-going feedback

8 Behaviour at work maintain a highly professional attitude
maintain punctuality according to work schedule maintain good relations with your supervisors as well as subordinates always act responsibly always remember that you are representing the homeland institution take notes, keep a log to write what you have done at the end of each day

9 Responsibilities to your own department
Notice of arrival form Letter from employer Final training report

10 Questions?

11 Thank you for your attention

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