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Caregiver Stress Management

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1 Caregiver Stress Management
How Do I Prevent Caregiving from Impacting My Life?

2 Identify Your Stress List three things that made you feel stressed just today Describe your reaction to stress (physical, verbal, emotional). What happens first, in the middle, and afterwards? How do you currently deal with your stress? What could you accomplish in your life if stress were completely removed? On a scale of 1-10, 10 being completely debilitated, how much does stress affect your ability to fulfill your daily roles (caregiver, employee, spouse, parent, friend, etc)

3 What is Stress? Pressure or tension exerted on a physical object
A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances Physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension Keyword: TENSION! Good Stress: Situations that cause symptoms, but is ultimately good for your life, and is often temporary (promotion at work, buying of a new house, getting married, having a baby, a new relationship,college) Negative Stress: Situations that cause symptoms, but are often chronic or recurring and do not add benefit to your life (an illness, change in financial status, losses)

4 Causes of Negative Stress
Death of a loved one Divorce Job loss or change Increase in financial obligations Relationship strains Housing/living environments Traumatic event Chronic illness or injury Emotional problems (depression, grief, anxiety, anger, grief, guilt) Taking care of someone else (child, aging or sick loved one)

5 Effects of Stress on the Body
Headaches- stress can cause and worsen tension headaches Depression- chronic stress can wear down an individual emotionally and lead to depression Sleep- stress makes it harder to fall asleep, and stay asleep, which can lead to insomnia Rapid Breathing- when stressed, muscles that help with breathing tense up and leave an individual short of breath Heartburn- stress increases the production of stomach acid which can lead to heartburn High Blood Sugar- stress causes the release of extra glucose in the bloodstream, putting someone at higher risk of Type 2 Diabetes over time

6 Effects of Stress on the Body
High Blood Pressure- stress hormones tightens blood vessels, raising blood pressure Heart Attack- increased heart rate and high blood pressure damages arteries Common Sickness- long term stress weakens the immune system making an individual more vulnerable to illness Stomach- impacts digestive systems and can lead to nausea and stomachaches Fertility- stress interferes with reproduction in both men and women Tense Muscles- stress tenses muscles, chronic stress can be the cause of tension related headaches and backaches

7 Signs and Symptoms of Stress
Excess anxiety, worry, guilt, nervousness Diminished sexual desire or performance Lightheadedness, faintness, dizziness Increased or decreased appetite Weight gain or loss without diet Increased smoking, alcohol, or drug use Social withdrawal or isolation Difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts Constant tiredness, weakness, fatigue

8 Video This is a good video, but it does start with a Toyota ad, I dont know if that appropriate for this setting? Here is the link to a backup video…

9 Signs and Symptoms of Stress Continued
Frequent headaches, jaw clenching, or pain Gritting, grinding teeth Neckache, back pain, muscle spasms Increased anger, frustration, hostility Frequent colds or infections Heartburn, stomach pain, nausea Difficulty breathing, frequent sighing

10 Stress Statistics

11 Stress Statistics

12 Stress Statistics The American Psychological Association found through a 2015 survey that family responsibilities are the 3rd most common stressor (54 percent), personal health concerns (51 percent), health problems affecting the family (50 percent), and the economy (50 percent).

13 Caregiver Stress Statistics

14 Stress Management Techniques:
Deep Breaths “Deep breathing counters the effects of stress by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure,” psychologist Judith Tutin, PhD, a certified life coach in Rome, GA. Writing Simply spending minutes a day writing about the stressors one is facing can bring a great deal of relief in being able give words to the stress. Sharing With Others -Similar to writing, putting the stress into words through a conversation with a friend or family can bring great relief to an individual. -Sharing with a counselor or therapist who is trained to be a neutral party can also be beneficial.

15 Stress Management Techniques:
Exercise Regularly working out is one of the best outlets for relaxing the mind and body Exercise also has the benefit of increasing mood through endorphin release. How much should an individual exercise? Good: At the very least, 3 to 5 times/week for 30 minutes Better: 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderately intense exercise/week like brisk walks Best: Add 75 minutes of a vigorous exercise/week like swimming laps, jogging, or other sports that gets your heart rate up

16 Stress Management Techniques
Nutrition and Eating Well Eating a regular, well-balanced diet will help you feel better overall This also can help play a role in regulating your mood Meals should be well rounded and consist of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and lean protein for energy Skipping meals can leave you in a bad mood and actually add to stress levels

17 Stress Management Techniques:
Make Time For Yourself When life is hectic and out of control, finding minutes in a day to do something that you genuinely enjoy can drastically increase your mood and decrease the amount of stress you are feeling. Take a hot bath Get your hair or nails done Cuddle your pet Do some online shopping Read your favorite magazine Plan a dream vacation

18 Stress Management Activity
Guided Meditation (5 Minutes) This is a potential script:

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