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September 16th, 2011 Bellringer Questions

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1 September 16th, 2011 Bellringer Questions
Prince Henry the Navigator influenced exploration by doing what?* He mentored Christopher Columbus Opened a school to teach navigation Discovered the new world If I had to eat at one last restaurant before I died, what would it be? Why? * -- Write the Question and your Answer

2 Random Fact of the Day Adolf Hitler played chess every day. He insisted on playing the white pieces and replaced one of the bishops to have two queens.

3 Main Points: The Atlantic Slave Trade
Chapter 4, Section 3

4 Causes of Slavery Muslims increased slavery in Africa from 650 – 1600 AD. Demand for slaves in colonies. Advantages of Africans Built up immunity to European diseases Africans had farming experience and could be taught plantation work. Less likely to escape because they did not know their way around the new land of the Americas. Skin color made it easier to catch them if they escaped.

5 Atlantic Slave Trade: Numbers
AST = Buying/selling Africans to work in America How many slaves were transported? : 300,000 slaves : 1,300,000 slaves By 1870: 9,500,000 slaves African rulers and merchants aid in the slave trade. Some Africans would capture other African tribes and deliver the slaves in exchange for gold, guns and other goods such as rum. A few voiced opposition, but many continued to participate.

6 Random Question of Significance
If you had one superpower, what would it be?

7 Triangular Trade Transatlantic trading system between the Europe, Africa and the Americas.


9 Fainting Goats

10 Middle Passage Part of the voyage of the triangular trade that brought African slaves to North and South America. What do these images tell you about the Middle Passage?

11 Consequences of Slavery
Impact on Africa African cultures lost generations of their fittest members Countless African families were torn apart Devastated African societies by introducing guns to the African continent Since slavery in the Americas was primarily based on race and the European view of black people being naturally inferior, we still grapple with racial tensions in America today.

12 Consequences of Slavery
Impact on the Americas Africans brought their expertise in agriculture and labor to help colonies flourish. They brought their culture. Art, music, religion & food Unique populations in the Americas which are a fusion and mixture of Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans with are truly “American”.

13 Exit Questions You do not have to write the questions.
Discuss three reasons why Africans were preferred as slaves than Native Americans. Describe for me what your perfect day would be like. 3. Describe the three stages of triangular trade.

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