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LO: To revise why Outremer Survived

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1 LO: To revise why Outremer Survived 1095-1145
Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will be able to… Describe the key reasons E-D Explain why Outremer survived C-B Judge the most important reasons A-A*

2 Fact Test! Go! LO: To revise why Outremer Survived 1095-1145
Describe the key reasons E-D Explain why Outremer survived C-B Judge the most important reasons A-A* Task: Once you have written Your title and date… Fact Test! Go!

3 LO: To revise why Outremer Survived 1095-1145
Describe the key reasons E-D Explain why Outremer survived C-B Judge the most important reasons A-A* So what has been asked before? Explain why the Military Orders were founded in Outremer after the First Crusade. “Explain why castles were used in the defence of the Crusader states.” Explain why the Military Orders were used in the defence of the crusader states. How strong was Outremer before The Second Crusade? How important were castles to the defence of Outremer? Assess the reasons for Outremer’s Survival in the years before the Second Crusade. Muslim weakness was the main reason for the survival of the Crusader States.’ How far do you agree?

4 Reasons for Survival of Outremer
LO: To revise why Outremer Survived Describe the key reasons E-D Explain why Outremer survived C-B Judge the most important reasons A-A* Muslim Weakness Crusader Castles Reasons for Survival of Outremer Support from Europe Strong Leadership Strength of Military Orders Crusader Integration

5 LO: To revise why Outremer Survived 1095-1145
Describe the key reasons E-D Explain why Outremer survived C-B Judge the most important reasons A-A* Muslim Weakness The nobles of the new kingdom exploited the lack of Muslim unity be forming alliances with Muslims, sometimes against fellow Christians. Such alliances contravened the ideals of holy war and the destruction of the infidel, but they were piratical necessities at the time, even if the alliances did not last long.  Jihad weak, only one in six attending sermons at Great Mosque in Damascus. In 1114 Roger of Antioch formed a coalition with his worried Muslim neighbours against the sultan of Baghdad. His neighbours did not want Baghdad’s influence interfering in their land. They were victorious at the Battle of Sarmin and Antioch enjoyed four more years of relative peace Baghdad was not hugely interested in events in Northern Syria and Palestine. The caliphs were embroiled in their own internecine squabbles and a delegation from Damascus in 1100 asking for support was ignored Duqaq of Damascus died in 1104, leaving under-age sons in the hands of his atabeg, Tughtakin. Tughtakin rode the vagaries of Syrian politics, making beneficial peace treaties and military strikes when either was possible or necessary. Similarly, Ridwan of Aleppo, fearing for his own independence, struck up an alliance with Tancred against Jawuli of Mosul (who had Baldwin of Edessa on his side) in 1108. Strength of Outremer? Strength of Military Orders Army of Jerusalem only 6000 men including 1000 knights. Had to use 5000 Turkopoles. Took control of castles and landholdings in Holy Land in 1130s. Eg Gaza and Safad. Thrived on accepted concept of religiously directed violence. Sophisticated hierarchy running an international organisation

6 LO: To revise why Outremer Survived 1095-1145
Describe the key reasons E-D Explain why Outremer survived C-B Judge the most important reasons A-A* Support from Europe Genoese help Baldwin I capture Arsuf 1101 Donations of Land and money throughout Europe, e.g. from Alfonso I of Aragon. Large amounts of land in Southern France, Sicily, Spain and Italy given to Hosp. Crusade of 1101, Pope Paschal II sends reinforcements. Pilgrims bring money. Success of First Crusade leads to new enthusiasm to head east. Stephen of Blois Returns helps Baldwin I at Battle of Ramla 1102 against Egyptians – he dies in battle! Pactum Warmundi with Venice, commercial treaty. Led to capture Tyre 1124 Crusader Integration - In 1101 Fulcher of Chartres recorded only 300 knights in the kingdom. - The Normans around Antioch had already conquered Muslim southern Sicily in 1091 and so were experienced in colonisation. - Favourable taxes on Muslims. Poll tax of One dinar for subject peoples was favourable. Generally few revolts against Christian rule. Ibn Jubayr’s chronicle recorded Muslim workforce living contentedly. - Building of linear “Villeneuves”. Had a fortified building for lord, a church, presses. Adopted sophisticated Muslim irrigation systems. Walter the Chancellor recorded in 1115 that Antioch had Franks, Greeks, Armenians, Muslims, strangers, pilgrims. Baldwin takes Sidon in 1110, allows Muslim farmers to stay as they are “useful” Tancred of Antioch brought Muslim labourer’s wives into Antioch. Fulcher says in 1118 “We who are Occidentals have now been made Orientals”

7 LO: To revise why Outremer Survived 1095-1145
Describe the key reasons E-D Explain why Outremer survived C-B Judge the most important reasons A-A* Strong Leadership - Baldwin I a skilful fighter and strong leader. - Defeated Muslim army from Damascus on way to claim throne in 1100. - Captured ports such as Arsuf in 1101, Beirut 1110, Sidon 1111 strategic importance. - Plunders and slaughters Muslim opposition at Caeserea 1101. - Fearsome reputation leads to Acre surrendering quickly in 1104. 1109 negotiates seizure of Tripoli and establishment of County of Tripoli. Defeated Egyptians in 1105, 1107 and 1111. Built up powerful royal domain over Jerusalem, Jaffa and Acre. Did not allow Nobles to become too strong. Gave them money fiefs instead of territory. Role of Castles Built as centres of administration and agricultural production. Over 200 settlements. 165 fortified sites. To defend trade routes. 25 castles built They were probably erected in the first half century of the Frankish occupation by knights who intended to settle in the rural landscape as they had done at home in the West. Insecurity and the expense of defending even these small structures meant that they almost all passed into the hands of institutions like the Templars. Kerak castle encompassed the entire community. This was inland. The construction of Ibelin, Blanchegarde and Bethgibelin castles proved an effective deterrent against attack from Egyptian Ascalon. Crusading orders used them more as military bases.

8 LO: To revise why Outremer Survived 1095-1145
Describe the key reasons E-D Explain why Outremer survived C-B Judge the most important reasons A-A* But there were elements of weakness Battle of Field of Blood 1119 sees many Antiochene Nobility killed. Some areas lawless such as Galilee and Samaria Instability begins with tensions between Melisende and Fulk.

9 LO: To revise why Outremer
Survived Describe the key reasons E-D Explain why Outremer survived C-B Judge the most important reasons A-A* Strong Leadership was the main reason for the survival of the Crusader States.’ How far do you agree?

10 LO: To revise why Outremer Survived 1095-1145
Describe the key reasons E-D Explain why Outremer survived C-B Judge the most important reasons A-A*

11 LO: To revise why Outremer Survived 1095-1145
Describe the key reasons E-D Explain why Outremer survived C-B Judge the most important reasons A-A*

12 LO: To revise why Outremer Survived 1095-1145
Describe the key reasons E-D Explain why Outremer survived C-B Judge the most important reasons A-A*

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