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Motions of Earth, the Moon and Planets

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1 Motions of Earth, the Moon and Planets
Section 8.5 Motions of Earth, the Moon and Planets

2 Working in groups of 3-4 you will read the assigned section, summarize it on the chart paper provided and be ready to present your information to the class: Start: Earth’s Rotation, End: Effects of Earth’s rotation Start: Motions of the Moon, up to Earth’s Tilt Start: Earth’s Tilt, end with Earth’s wobble. Phases of the Moon Eclipses Tides – The pull of the Moon Calendars Based on the Sky (Pg ) Pg. 328 #2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13

3 Think about this… Continental Drift - (1 to 8 inches per year) North America is moving westward at 3 inches per year.. Earth's Rotation on its Axis - (1,035 mph) Slowing at the rate of 1/1000 second per century. Precession of the Earth's Axis - (26,000 year cycle) By 14,000 A.D. the star Vega will replace Polaris as the North Star. Polar Variation - (14 month cycle) Chandler Wobble mystery solved (JPL) Each pole wanders in a circle with a 10-to-50- ft. diameter. Earth's Revolution Around the Sun (19 miles per second) Motion of the Solar System Through the Galaxy (12.4 miles per second) In the direction of the star Vega in the constellation Lyra.. Revolution Around the Center of the Galaxy (185 miles per second) In direction of the constellation Cygnus. (225 million year cycle) The Galaxy's Motion Through the Universe (375 miles per second)

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