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First Grade Homework & Classroom News:

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1 First Grade Homework & Classroom News:
Dec. 4th – Dec 8th Homework Menu: Choose one appetizer and one main course to do for homework every night. If you are still hungry for practice, help yourself to some dessert! Appetizer (5 minutes) Practice any of the listed Daily Math skills Addition or subtraction flash card games Choose a word family word to write in a complete sentence Main Course(15 minutes) Read a “just-right book” to a stuffed animal or a family member for 13 minutes. Spend 2 minutes retelling the story with as many details as possible. Dessert (10 minutes) Write your opinion about food, pets, animals, or best games to play in your planner. Xtra Math/Prodigy Math Raz-kids (message us on Dojo if you need us to resend log-in information ) Word families Words with long vowel u and contractions ute(flute, cute) ume(fume,) ude(rude, jude) ule(mule, rule) ube(tube, cube) Inflected ending ed Examples: Jumped Waited called Daily Math skills: Using the counting back and number line strategy to solve subtraction sentences. (12-3=___ think 12-count back three times,11,10,9 is the difference) write and solve subtraction sentences within 20 in the horizontal and also the vertical format Create your own story problems using subtraction within 20 and have someone in your family solve them! STEM focus and Words of the week Questions: How do software engineers help our world? What kinds of tools to engineers use? How can we use our five senses to observe and solve problems about the world around us? STEM focus: The basics of computer coding and Gingerbread STEM 

2 A note from the teachers…
Homework and Newsletter Dec. 4th – Dec 8th A note from the teachers… Happy December! This week we are focusing on reading and writing words with long vowel u and also words that end in the inflected ending “ed”. We are using different versions of the Gingerbread Man story to develop our comprehension skills and apply the strategies we have been learning. While we spend a great deal of time learning how to decode unfamiliar words to improve our reading fleuncy, the ultimate goal of reading is to fully understand the text. When you are reading at home, please try to ask questions and encourage your child to retell the story once they finish reading. Readers are thinkers!  In Math, we are applying our knowledge of strategies to subtract within 20 and will be taking the chapter 3 assessment this week. We will also be starting a unit on place value. We have started spreading kindness around our school-be sure to ask your kiddos how they have spread kindness each day!  As always, thank you for trusting us with your wonderful kids! Sincerely, Mrs. Swartz and Mrs. Watson. Upcoming Events: Monday, December 4th-PTO fundraiser at Pei Wei (4pm Oracle Road Tuesday, December 12th-Band and Orchestra Concert-Upper grades(6:30pm) December 21st-Classroom holiday party (More information to come ) December 22nd –January 8th-Winter Break-No School Star Students:  Mrs. Watson’s Class: Luca continues to care deeply for others. He is quick to help a friend in need and is kind to all. He has been working hard to overcome fears and always participates in class. Way to go Luca! Special Birthdays: 12/5 Happy Birthday Jaxon!

3 The following pages are NOT REQUIRED but are here if you would like to use them with your child 

4 Choose “long u” words from the word bank to write in sentences:
Paper for writing complete sentences  rule mule rude flute fume use huge dude cute 1.________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________________






10 ______-_______=_______
First grade had 20 kind gifts to complete. The class did 12 of them already. How many kind gifts do they have left? ______-_______=_______ Draw a picture


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