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Presentation on theme: "NEW SMYRNA BEACH HIGH SCHOOL"— Presentation transcript:

Class of 2019 and 2020 The Journey Begins HERE… The Journey Begins NOW!

2 We are all in this together!
School Counselors- Jewel Johnson (Director), Wilma Salisbury (A-Do), Kate Weeks (Dp-La) Raquel Heath (Lb-R), And Erin Burns (S-Z)

3 REMIND Codes for 11th & 12th Grade
REMIND is a text message communication tool to get information from the counseling department. Text the following codes to 81010: Use lower case letters with codes. 11th Grade 12th Grade

Walk-in Appointments- Students may see their counselor without an appointment before school, during office hours/lunch, or after school. Scheduled Appointments- parents may contact their student’s counselor directly to schedule an appointment.

5 Graduation Requirements

9th GRADE English Language Arts I (R/H) 10th GRADE English Language Arts II (R/H) 11th GRADE English Language Arts III (R/H), AP Language, ENC 1101 12th GRADE English Language Arts IV (R/H), AP Literature, ENC1102

9th GRADE Algebra I or Geometry (R/H) 10th GRADE Geometry or Algebra II (R/H) 11th GRADE Algebra II (R/H) , Pre-Calculus 12th GRADE Analysis of Functions & Trigonometry, or AP Math Course Reminder-SUS is looking for four or more years of Math, in High School.

9th GRADE Earth/Space Science or Biology Honors 10th GRADE Biology or Chemistry (R/H) 11th GRADE Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology, Physics (R/H) 12th GRADE Marine Science (R/H) or AP Science Course

9th GRADE No course or AP Human Geography Counts as an elective credit 10th GRADE World History (R/H), AP World History 11th GRADE United States History (R/H), AP US History 12th GRADE U.S. Government (R/H) or AP US & Comparative Government Economics (R/H) or AP Macro & Microeconomics

9th GRADE Recreational Activities Personal Fitness required These courses are available at VVS & FLVS Waivers – applications available for Band, Dance, & 2 yrs. Of Interscholastic JV or Varsity Sport.

Examples of performing – fine arts courses Band Theatre 1 Creating Art 2D & 3D Television Production Chorus Other Career & Technical Education courses may apply

Choose wisely! Experiential Learning Electives are NEVER guaranteed.

13 G.P.A. Students Need A Minimum Of A 2.0 GPA To Graduate will not be rounded up to 2.0 How is the GPA calculated? Quality points divided by credits attempted Impact Of your GPA Graduation Class Rank Eligibility Bright Futures College Admissions

14 End of Course Exams (EOC)
FSA & EOC Must pass the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) of the English Language Arts Assessment (ELA) End of Course Exams (EOC) Algebra I (Pass the TEST + 30% of final course grade) Geometry (30% of final course grade) Biology (30% of final course grade) U.S. History (30% of final course grade)

15 ACCEL 18-Credit Diploma Option-
GRADUATION OPTIONS ACCEL 18-Credit Diploma Option- What is the distinction between the 18-credit ACCEL option and the 24-credit option? 3 elective credits instead of 8 Physical Education is not required Online course is not required All other graduation requirements for a 24-credit standard diploma must be met including all assessments. focus on core courses and foreign language for accel.

16 Distinguished Scholar Diploma
DIPLOMA DESIGNATIONS Distinguished Scholar Diploma 3. 5 or higher overall weighted GPA 3. 5 weighted cumulative GPA on all AP courses 100 Hours of Community Service Students must earn one of the below scores: 1170 SAT or ACT 2 years of the same World Language Complete a minimum of 4 AP Courses Pass all State EOC’s with 3 or higher or the equivalent AP test with a 3 or higher. 3 or higher on a minimum of 2 AP exams

17 SCHOLAR DESIGNATION In addition to meeting the 24-credit standard high school diploma requirements, a student must: Pass the ELA Grade 10 statewide assessment; Earn 1 credit in Algebra II; Pass the Geometry EOC; Earn 1 credit in Statistics or an equally rigorous mathematics course; Pass the Biology I EOC; Earn 1 credit in Chemistry or Physics; Earn 1 credit in a course equally rigorous to Chemistry or Physics; Pass the U.S. History EOC; Earn 2 credits in the same World Language; and Earn at least 1 credit in AP, IB, AICE or a dual enrollment course Must pass the corresponding AP or IB exam

18 MERIT DESIGNATION In addition to meeting the 24-credit standard high school diploma requirements, a student must: Attain one or more industry certifications from the established list. *Culinary *Engineering *criminal justice Agriscience *medical Sports marketing

19 WALKING IN WHITE 3.5 weighted GPA
10 honors, dual enrollment and/or AP courses SAT score of 1100 (critical reading and math) or ACT composite score of 23 75 hours of pre-approved community service

20 director of academic advising and dual enrollment
Please welcome Ms. Michelle goldys director of academic advising and dual enrollment

21 What Is Dual Enrollment?
Dual enrollment is an acceleration program that allows eligible high school students to simultaneously earn credit toward high school completion and a career certificate, or an associate or baccalaureate degree at a Florida public postsecondary institution.

22 DUAL ENROLLMENT 15 credits per semester maximum
Must have earned credit in a high school course 3.0 minimum Unweighted GPA required PERT – limited to two attempts at DSC Required PERT scores: Reading – 106 Writing – 103 Math – 114 for MAT1033 or 123 for MAC1105 Must meet both scores 15 credits per semester maximum May take a Maximum of two online courses per semester.

23 Additional Requirements
Permission from: Parent/legal guardian; High school counselor/designee; Daytona State College Academic Advisor

24 Testing Post-Secondary Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.) – Students may have no more than Three (3) attempts taking the P.E.R.T. at the college. Initial Test - Can be taken at the college or the High School (attempts at the HS do not count towards the DSC attempts). Retest – All students must attend at least one full semester of high school between attempts, and students will need a retest form from an Academic Advisor.

25 Grading procedures Grades are reported to High Schools at the end of each DSC semester. If a student earns a “D”, “F”, “FN”, or “W1” grade, they will be required to repeat only that course during the next semester(as long as the student meets both the high school and college GPA requirements), and must earn a “C” or better in order to continue dual enrolling. If a student earns a grade of “F”, “FN, “W” or “W1” in more than one semester, they will no longer be eligible to participate in dual enrollment courses. Dual enrolled students may not attempt any course more than twice. A “W” grade (withdrawal) counts as an attempt.

26 Requirements For Continued Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment is intended to help motivated, eligible students to complete some or all of their college coursework before they graduate from high school. Maintain a 3.0 or higher unweighted high school GPA. 2.0 for Vocational Programs Maintain a 2.0 or higher cumulative college GPA. Earn a “C” or better in all courses. Requirements For Continued Dual Enrollment

27 Items for consideration -
Successful dual enrolled students need to be self-starters. All grades earned during dual enrollment count toward both the college and high school GPA. Dual Enrollment grades are weighted the same as IB and AP courses in the high school GPA. All grades earned becomes a permanent part of the student’s college transcript.

28 Items for Consideration
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) – applies even if student is under the age of 18. Students will have to add a parent as a delegate on their accounts if they want to allow them access to their records. Students must be present to register, drop, or withdraw from courses. All attempted credits are considered when determining eligibility for federal financial aid, once the student graduates high school. Low completion rates and/or gpa can make a student ineligible for federal financial aid.

29 How Do You Begin? The conversation begins with your High School Counselor! Once eligibility is determined, students will work with their Guidance Counselor to select courses. Parent, Student, and Guidance Counselor all need to sign the registration form. Students will select and declare a major on the dual enrollment form.

30 Procedures Students will bring their signed form to the College Admissions office (on regional campuses this would be the Enrollment office), to be assigned a DSC College ID #. Student will go to Assessment and take the P.E.R.T or TABE (if there are no SAT/ACT scores). High school counselor will verify student’s test scores and pick classes that the student needs for high school and college. Student will bring the form to the DSC Academic Advising office on any campus. Advisor will verify signatures, class requirements, pre- requisites, test scores, etc, and get them registered!

31 The Process for Dual Enrollment
Student will be registered and provided with 2 copies of their schedule. One is for the guidance counselor the other is for the student. Students will learn to access their MyDaytonaState, Falcon Mail, and Falcon Online accounts. Students should check their college regularly and they can access their grade at the end of the semester through their MY DAYTONA STATE account.


Students must attend a training workshop prior to Counting community service hours. Walking In White – 75 hrs. Superintendent’s Diploma of Distinction – 100 hrs. Bright Futures Academic Scholar – 100 hrs. Medallion Scholar – 75 hrs. Vocational Gold Seal – 30 hrs. Community Service is NOT REQUIRED for graduation, but required for college applications, and scholarships.

34 Juniors- to do list Meet with your counselor to develop a grad plan and explore college and career options Take challenging courses Explore scholarship possibilities Visit colleges and universities Prepare for the ACT and or SAT Attend College Expo on Mainland high school beginning at 6:00 pm

35 Seniors-to do list Meet with college representatives
Continue scholarship searches Complete the fafsa after October 1st Complete college applications Take the ACT and/or sat Register for bright futures – counseling dept. will register students in early december Remain committed to your grades and volunteering

36 Fafsa Regardless of income, all families should complete the free application for federal student aid (FAFSA) The application is required for all students to qualify for federal financial aid. This year, the Fafsa may be submitted on October 1st thru June 30th. Colleges set their own deadlines, so please monitor their websites.

37 Financial Aid information
Please welcome Mr. Benefield College and career volunteer for school counseling department



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