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What’s your problem city folk?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s your problem city folk?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s your problem city folk?
I’m spending too much money on FOOD: Don’t buy as much food. Plant gardens. Buy bread and potatoes. Move in with relatives. Live in a cardboard box. I can’t afford my house: Make your own. Hand-me-downs. Can’t afford new CLOTHES:

2 The Depression Hits Rural America

3 The Depression Hits Rural America
Demand for food decreases, which leads to… A further decrease in crop prices, which results in… Farmers being unable to keep up with costs. Over farming of land during the 20s + Severe drought = THE DUST BOWL 2. RESULT: The Okie Migration – movement of farmers from the Mid-West to areas of the West searching for a fresh start.

4 Dust Storm BACK





9 Faces of the Dust Bowl

10 In the words of John Steinbeck,

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