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Preliminary Steps in Developing a HACCP Plan

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1 Preliminary Steps in Developing a HACCP Plan
Chapter 3 Preliminary Steps in Developing a HACCP Plan

2 In this chapter, you will learn:
• The importance of preliminary steps in developing the HACCP plan

3 Preliminary steps 1) Assemble HACCP team
2) Describe the product, intended use and consumers 3) Develop a process flow chart and process description.

4 Product Description should include:
• Type of seafood product (species and finished product form) • Where product is purchased • How product is received, stored, and shipped • How product is packaged • Intended end us

5 Product Description Form for Fish and Shellfish Species
Go to page 34.

6 The following is an example of a basic process flow chart
The following is an example of a basic process flow chart. Receiving Processing Packaging Storage

7 XYZ Seafood Company Product Description Form for Fish and Shellfish Species
Go to page 36.

8 Finished Product Storage
Example process flow diagram for production of fresh mahi-mahi fillets for XYZ Seafood Company Process Flow Chart Receive Fresh Fillets Refrigerated Storage Trim Weigh/Pack/Label Finished Product Storage

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