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Scientific Method A process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method A process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method A process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions.

2 Steps in the Scientific Method
Question Observation Research Hypothesis Experiment Data Collection Conclusion Retest

3 Gathered through your senses
Observations Gathered through your senses

4 Inference Something that you would assume is true due to your observations and reasoning.

5 Hypothesis A suggested solution Must be testable
Sometimes written as If…Then… statements Predicts an outcome

6 Experiment A procedure designed to test the hypothesis.
Independent variable Dependent variable Control group Constants Experimental group

7 Independent Variable The factor that is being changed or tested in an experiment.

8 Dependent Variable Your results!
The outcome… what is being measured or observed.

9 Control Group One group of test subjects is used for comparison.
They do not get exposed to the independent variable.

10 Experimental Group The group(s) that are being tested on.
The group that has the independent variable.

11 Constants Every factor besides the independent variable must remain the same so that you know for sure what has affected your results.

12 Data Results of the experiment may be
quantitative (numbers) qualitative (Quality or something observed with the senses)

13 Data Must be organized Can be organized into charts, tables, or graphs

14 Graph the Independent vs. Dependent Variable
Line Graph: Changes over time or temperature Pie Chart: Parts of a whole Bar Graph: compare things between differentgroups

15 Conclusion The answer to the hypothesis based on the data obtained from the experiment Should say if Hypothesis is supported or rejected.

16 A Theory is a well-established explanation for scientific data
A Theory is a well-established explanation for scientific data. Theories typically cannot be proven, but they can become established if they are tested by several different scientific investigators. A theory can be disproven by a single contrary result.

17 Chem Catalyst: answer on your marker board
Timothy is testing his hypothesis that eating carrots will help his rabbits live longer. He has two rabbits. Rabbit A he feeds one carrot everyday. Rabbit B does not get carrots. Both rabbits are the same age, get the same type of food, and the same exercise. He does this for 3 years until Rabbit B dies. Identify the following factors from his experiment: Hypothesis Independent and dependent variables Control group 4 Constants Conclusion, did his results support his hypothesis?

18 Draw a picture if needed & look up words if needed
Chem Catalyst Draw a picture if needed & look up words if needed An experiment was designed to measure the effect of sulfur dioxide emissions from a factory on the pH of rain falling downwind (on the right of the factory). In this experiment, the average pH of rainwater upwind or on the right of the plant would be considered…? a. the Independent Variable b. the control. c. a constant. d. the Dependent variable.


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