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Evidence for Evolution

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1 Evidence for Evolution

2 Fossil Record Examples Found in the fossil record.:
Provides evidence of species changing over time. Fossils have been found of extinct species that could be transitional between major groups of organisms. Use age of Fossils for timeline Examples Found in the fossil record.: Horses  60 MYA had f toes and were smaller in size. Elephants  Trunks got longer because trees got taller. Helps keep them cooler.


4 Comparative Anatomy Homologous Structures Analogous structures
Similar structures that have different functions. Analogous structures Same function different structure. Vestigial organs Organs that no longer have a function. Examples Forelimb of human, mole, horse, dolphin, and bat have the same structure. Bird and butterfly wings are different structure but same function. Human appendix has no current use, but probably had one at one point.




8 Comparative Embryology
The embryos of different species are very similar in the early stages. Fish, reptile, bird, and human embryos all have gill slits and tails early in development.


10 Comparing DNA The closer the DNA sequence is between two species the closer those species are related. The % of genes that match humans… 100% other humans 98% chimpanzees 92% a mouse 44% Fruit Fly 26% Yeast 18% Weeds


12 Biogeography Organisms in isolated environments evolve differently from each other. Over time this can lead to different species. Examples Darwin’s finches were isolated and evolved separately. Pangea Finding the same type of fossils in different parts of the world that were once touching. Relatives evolved separate of each other.

13 Galapagos Tortoises


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