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Ecosel as an Example of Subscription Games

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Presentation on theme: "Ecosel as an Example of Subscription Games"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecosel as an Example of Subscription Games
Lecture 12 (5/24/2017)

2 The ECOSEL Concept Bundle 3 Bundle 31 2 Old-Forest: 534.79 ac Carbon:
25,087 MgC Reserve Price: $80 Bundle 1 Bundle 3 Bundle 3 Bundle 28 Bundle 31 Bundle 31 Bundle 43 Bundle 31 Old-Forest: ac Carbon: 76,743 MgC Reserve Price: $291 2

3 The ECOSEL Concept (cont.)
Bundle 1 (Max Timber Profit) Bundle 18 reserve price Bundle 31 3

4 The Auction Component 4

5 Classification ECOSEL is a multi-unit, multi-dimension,
public good subscription game with incomplete information and asymmetric preferences Subscription games: Bagnoli and Lippman 1989 5

6 Mathematical Characterization
Notation: I = the set of bundles available in the auction (i indexes I); K = the set of players who play the game (k indexes K); = valuation or utility that Player k assigns to Bundle k; = the final bid that Player k places on Bundle i; and ri is the reserve price of Bundle i 6

7 Mathematical Characterization Cont.
Social Surplus: Note: Social surplus does not depend on the value of final bids 7

8 Mathematical Characterization Cont.
Theoretical Welfare Maximum: 8

9 Mathematical Characterization Cont.
Winning Conditions and Efficiency: 9

10 Mathematical Characterization Cont.
Payoff Function for Player : 10

11 Mechanism Design Design options Maximize social surplus
Maximize seller revenue Methods Theoretical testing (game theory and simulation) Empirical testing (experimental economics) Software development 11

12 Mechanism Design cont. Design variables: Reserve price disclosure
Communication policy Bid withdrawal policy Refund policy Number of bundles Auction sequencing And many more…. 12

13 Website

14 How it works

15 How it works

16 How it works

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