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Bio 449 Lecture 20 - Cardiovascular Physiology III Oct. 15, 2010

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Presentation on theme: "Bio 449 Lecture 20 - Cardiovascular Physiology III Oct. 15, 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bio 449 Lecture 20 - Cardiovascular Physiology III Oct. 15, 2010
Heart (cont’d) Cardiac output (conclusion) Control of cardiac output Blood flow Vessel size, blood velocity and pressure Control of blood distribution Poiseuille's Law Local vs. systemic effects of vasoconstriction Regulation of arteriolar diameter Capillary function Lymphatic system Terms to Know Starling's Law of the Heart Poiseuille's Law Viscosity Total peripheral resistance (TPR) Mean arterial pressure (MAP) Central venous pressure (CVP) Vasodilation Vasoconstriction Active hyperemia Nitric oxide Ultrafiltrate Lymph Lymphatic system Lymphatic vessels Edema Readings Lectures 18-20: Chapter 14 & 15 Lectures 21-22: Chapter 17

2 Control of Cardiac Output

3 Effects of sympathetic activity on HR

4 Effects of parasympathetic activity on HR

5 Starling’s Law Fig

6 Vessel size, blood velocity and pressure
Blood Flow Vessel size, blood velocity and pressure

7 BP levels throughout circulatory system
Fig. 15-5

8 BP levels throughout circulatory system
Fig. 15-5

9 Control of blood distribution

10 Fig

11 Poiseuille’s Law

12 Local vs. systemic effects of vasoconstriction

13 Regulation of arteriolar diameter

14 Capillary function

15 Movement across capillary walls
Similar to Fig

16 Lymphatic system

17 Lymph capillary Overlapping endothelial cells Interstitial fluid Lymph

18 Uptake of lymph Fig. 15-19 Venule Arteriole Net filtration
Net absorption Lymph vessels Net filtration Venule Fig

19 Lymphatic system Fig. 15-19 Thymus
Spleen Lymph nodes Thymus Blind-end lymph capillaries Lymph fluid empties into superior vena cava. Fig

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