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Study vocabulary words.

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Presentation on theme: "Study vocabulary words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study vocabulary words.
November 13, 2015 Place this in your Planner Study vocabulary words.

2 Leave it out - will stamp and grade planner entries today.
End of planner Leave it out - will stamp and grade planner entries today. Type notes here 2

3 Summary of last class We had a standard opening. We took the vocabulary test then took notes on forces. 4

4 Write your answer to last class’s Essential Question:
How do you calculate force? 5

5 Essential Question: How do you calculate net force and direction?
Topic/Objective: Name: Measuring Force Class/Period: Date: Nov 13 Essential Question: How do you calculate net force and direction?


7 Write this into your warm up: Today’s Warm up is the Post Triad 2 test.

8 Post Triad 2 Test link

9 Homework Study new vocab words. Complete worksheet on forces

10 Today’s Work Collect make up work Notes on Forces
Calculating net force Worksheet (due Monday) New Vocabulary words

11 Notes on Forces

12 Vocabulary of Nov 19 1. Orbit 2. Terminal velocity 3. free fall 4. projectile motion 5. Inertia 6. momentum

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