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Elementary Sunday School

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1 Elementary Sunday School
Key Areas Adult Education Worship Nursery Preschool Office Good evening. [I am David Mullaney, and] I’m here to announce and celebrate an important project in support Of FBC’s mission ”inviting and equipping people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.” In October, the Vision Team invited the congregation to a Town Hall meeting to brainstorm improvements Needed to the facilities here. One of four areas identified for immediate action (not necessarily within the Responsibility of the Vision Team) was a need to improve signage. In fact, the Outreach Ministry later noted That visitors face a high risk of disorientation here and that the building does not offer a natural navigational Flow. On behalf of the Vision Team, Lloyd Jenkins asked me to develop a proposal to address the signage issue. In February, the Signage Task Force proposed a multi-faceted, high level design to address several problem areas Related to signs. Subsequently, we developed more specific plans for improvements in temporary/mobile signs, In distinguishing First Baptist Signs from Heritage Signs, for labeling of storage areas, for changeable event signs, For the correction of wrong information in front of the church, and for directional signs to key areas. Please start thinking about the church in terms of key areas; activities in these areas tend to serve A common purpose, but there will be many exceptions. In any case, navigation is simpler if you can Tell or show a visitor that an event or a location is most easily found by first locating its key area Within the building. The map on the screen uses colors that are reinforced by the colors of key area Banners to highlight the different key areas; those areas are Adult Education, Worship, Nursery/Preschool, Office, Youth, and Elementary Sunday School. [next] Youth Elementary Sunday School

2 J. Aschenbrener Barb Hill D. Mullaney A. Augenbaugh J. Homan
FBC V I S I O N T E AM God’s Creative Spirit • Christ’s Great Commission FBC Congregation FBC TRUSTEES J. Aschenbrener Barb Hill D. Mullaney A. Augenbaugh J. Homan G. Peterson Larry Bonjour Lloyd Jenkins Wayne Scott C. Cramer Belinda Kelly J. Steffen D. Enquist F. Kemp J. Templeton Many groups, individuals and companies joined forces to accomplish our project objectives on time, before Easter The FBC Congregation was led by God’s creative Spirit and Christ’s Great Commission to find ways to instill confidence and Comfort into the experience of our visitors. The Vision Team and the Board of Trustees were important authorities to Sponsor the proposal and the execution of this project. Local businesses contributed time and cooperation to supply the Needs of this effort. And of course, dozens of individuals were involved in hours and hours of work to make this idea a Reality; many of them are listed on the screen. The work that you find in the hallways tonight is offered to the Glory of God and His plan for reaching the lost in Fort Collins. As important a step as this was, it is not the end. You might have ideas about how the signage could be refined. Maybe You have a vision for standardizing the appearance of the displays, or maybe you would like to remove some clutter. Perhaps you have a sense of how lessons from this experience could be applied to requirements being addressed by The Vision Team. Maybe you wonder why we didn’t address some area that you see as an obvious need. I am hoping That you will approach me (David Mullaney) and identify yourself as such a person; FBC needs someone to take the baton The next mile. I will support someone in picking up leadership for work that can make an even greater impact than we Have seen so far. Now, I’d like to turn this meeting back over to the Vision Team. Alphabetical list of individuals featured on slide: Jim Aschenbrener Allen Augenbaugh Larry Bonjour Charlie Cramer Duane Enquist Ron Forseth Mark Hanke Barb Hill Janine Homan Lloyd Jenkins Belinda Kelly Frances Kemp David Kress Wilton Lyles David Mullaney Gary Peterson Wayne Scott Joleen Steffen Jeri Templeton Katie Van Alsburg Susan Van Alsburg Ron Forseth David Kress K. Van Alsburg Mark Hanke Wilton Lyles S. Van Alsburg ABC Signworks • RB+B Architects •HCS •

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