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doc.: IEEE <02/139r0> <January 2002> May, 2009

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1 doc.: IEEE <02/139r0> <January 2002> May, 2009 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Resolution to secure aggregation in c SB1] Date Submitted: [May 5, 2009] Source: [Zhou Lan, James Gilb*, C.W Pyo, Junyi Wang, C.S Sum, Tuncer Baykas, M.A. Rahman, H. Harada, S. Kato,] Company: [NICT, SiBEAM*] Address: [] Voice: [ ], FAX: [], [ Re: [] Abstract: [15.3c sponsor ballot comment resolutions for #181] Purpose: [To be considered in IEEE c specification] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P NICT Chuck Brabenac, Intel Labs

2 May, 2009 Comment #181 Comment: The frame formats for standard aggregation and low latency aggregation need to show the position of the MIC and specify how the cipher and nonce will be generated. Suggest resolution from commenter: Add a MIC to each subframe and specify that the secure frame counter is incremented for each subframe in the frame, similar to the way it is done for the AV aggregation. Resolution: accept in principle, add the secure standard and low latency aggregation format as indicated in the following slides, extend nonce calculation for all aggregation schemes Slide 2 NICT

3 Secure Standard aggregation Format
May, 2009 Secure Standard aggregation Format Secure MAC frame body Security MAC subheader bits: 16 40 16 RX buffer size Subheader 8 Subheader 1 Blk-ACK bitmap Security header Octets: 4 or 8 8 variable 4 or 8 FCS or combined FCS Integrity code Secure subframe payload n Secure subframe payload 1 If the Aggregation bit in PHY header, SEC bit in MAC header are both set to one , and the Low latency mode bit is set to zero, the above secure standard aggregation format shall be used A security header is added in the MAC subheader to provide information necessary for security operation For each subframe, an integrity code field is added for data integrity protection subframe by subframe NICT

4 Secure Standard aggregation Format (cont.)
May, 2009 Secure Standard aggregation Format (cont.) Octets: 5 Security header Octets: 2 3 SFC Security control bits: 1 1 16 Subframe 8 security Subframe 1 security SECID The Security header is composed of SFC and Security control fields The Secure Frame Counter (SFC) field contains a 2 octet counter to ensure the uniqueness of the nonce in a secure frame, as defined in The Security Control field is composed of SECID field and 8 Subframe security bits The Secure session ID (SECID) field indicate the key that is for the protection of the frame, as defined in The Subframe Security bit indicate whether the corresponding subframe applies security services or not, 1 indicates security applied, 0 otherwise Slide 4 NICT

5 Secure low latency aggregation Format
May, 2009 Secure low latency aggregation Format Secure MAC frame body Security MAC subheader octets: 32/64 2 1 Blk-ACK bitmap MSDU response number MSDU request number RX buffer size UEP SFC SECID Octets: 4 or 8 8 variable 3 4 or 8 FCS or combined FCS Integrity code Secure subframe payload n MSDU subheader n Secure subframe payload 1 MSDU subheader 1 bits: 8 1 6 9 MSDU subheader HCS Subframe security Subframe length MSDU number Slide 5 NICT

6 Secure low latency aggregation Format (cont.)
May, 2009 Secure low latency aggregation Format (cont.) If the Aggregation bit in PHY header, SEC bit in MAC header are both set to one , and the Low latency mode bit is set to one, the above secure low latency aggregation format shall be used The SFC and SECID fields are added in MAC subheader For each subframe, an integrity code field is added for data integrity protection subframe by subframe The reserved bit in MSDU subheader is assigned as Subframe security bit to indicate whether the subframe applies security service or not Slide 6 NICT

7 May, 2009 Nonce value The Nonce value defined in should be extended for secure standard, low latency and AV aggregation The 16 padding bits shall all be set to 1 to avoid generating a Nonce with zero value Bits:16 8 16 48 Padding bits Subframe counter SFC Time token DestID SrcID 13 octets Slide 7 NICT

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