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Lecture Objectives LES Multizone modeling.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture Objectives LES Multizone modeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture Objectives LES Multizone modeling

2 Examples of LES:

3 LES vs RANS RANS: LES: Low pass filter – resolve large scale eddies
Model effect of small scale eddies Cut-off scale ∆ (space grid), cut of time scale ∆

4 LES Similar to RANS we are using effective viscosity for LES:
Gradient of velocity tensor: is the rate-of-strain tensor for the resolved scale Finally: This is SubGrid Scale (SGS) model Smagorinsky model (1963) eddy viscosity is model So no additional transport equation! There are Many more: Algebraic Dynamic model Dynamic Global-Coefficient model Localized Dynamic model

5 LES Time Step Depends on the length scale and velocity
Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) number condition for convergence while solving hyperbolic differential equations

6 Multizone modeling CONTAM
NO momentum equation Just pressure, temperature, and continuity Depends heavily on boundary condition and orifice coefficients that define flow between zones Good for buoyancy driven flow

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