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Warm-Up: Thurs 2/20 Write What You Know!

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Thurs 2/20 Write What You Know!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Thurs 2/20 Write What You Know!
Write everything you know about the prompt below for five minutes, try for at least 3-4 complete sentences. What is the difference between magma and lava? Why do geologists find it important to have two words for hot molten rock?

2 Magma Notes 2/20/2014 Major Key Term Key Term definition in own words
facts pictures Key Term

3 Review: Magma vs. Lava Magma: where would you find it?
Lava: where would you find it? Why 2 words?

4 Review: Elements & Compounds
Element: substance that cannot be broken down into other substances substance “recipe” has only 1 ingredient Ex: GOLD!!! Is made of gold and nothing else! Compound: substance made of two or more elements, can be broken down into individual elements substance “recipe” has 2 or more ingredients ex: table salt, can be broken down into sodium and chlorine

5 Review: Physical vs. Chemical
Physical Properties: any characteristic of a substance that can be observed without changing the substance ex: density, hardness, melting point, boiling point, magnetism, viscosity Chemical Properties: any characteristic of a substance that to observe results in a change to the substance ex: chemical reactions can change color, state of matter, produce gas, or form new substances like setting something on fire!

6 Viscosity Viscosity: a liquid’s resistance to flow
low viscosity = liquid that easily flows (runny) high viscosity = liquid that is sticky or blocky and does not flow easily

7 Assignment: 3.2 Review Read Chapter 3.2 Properties of Magma
Complete worksheet in class notebook Leave my class copies in the classroom!!! Due at end of class on Friday

8 Assignment: Properties of Magma Chart
At top of page, label assignment. Turn your notebook page hotdog style! Create your chart to fill the entire page! 6 columns, 2 rows plus headers Eruption Rock / Magma Type Water Content Silica Content Viscosity Land- forms Low High

9 Properties of Magma Later Low (notes) High Eruption Type
Rock / Magma Type Water Content Silica Content Viscosity Land- forms Later Basalt or Rhyolite? High or low? Low (notes) High

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