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Socialism had involved: 1. class politics 2. Common or at least collective provision of the essential services, resources, and facilities for living:

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Presentation on theme: "Socialism had involved: 1. class politics 2. Common or at least collective provision of the essential services, resources, and facilities for living:"— Presentation transcript:



3 Socialism had involved:
1. class politics 2. Common or at least collective provision of the essential services, resources, and facilities for living: health, education, transport, energy 3. Political rather than market means of allocating and managing those services

4 Conservatism had involved:
1. A settled social order that needed defending rather than proclaiming or establishing. 2. A homogeneous society 3. Hierarchy and deference


6 Principal attempted solutions:
1.Making up new ideologies 2.New faiths, or new faithfulness 3.Recessive themes, recovering old ideas



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