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The Allocations Committee & Process: An Introduction

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1 The Allocations Committee & Process: An Introduction
Ethan Gertzman Allocations Chairman

2 The Allocations Committee

3 Contact Us (Actually Though)
Ethan Gertzman (908) 848 William Pitt Union (Back left corner office) @sgballocations

4 Who are we, and what do we do?
We are a committee within the University of Pittsburgh’s Student Government Board implemented to distribute a portion of the Student Activities Fund to registered student organizations. We do so with the intention of mitigating clubs’ operating costs in order to facilitate the existence of a diverse array of student experiences on Pitt’s campus.

5 Who are we, and what do we do?
Hold office hours Five by each liaison Ten by the chair Work as liaisons Advising groups (walk-in or appt.) Go over requests Discuss requests and send decisions

6 What we've helped groups do in the past
Pay team/national dues Offset cost of practice expenses Host free cultural/educational programs for Pitt students Travel to service sites Attend national conferences Participate in athletic/academic competitions

7 Your Liaison Governance Groups Ethan Gertzman #-B Jamie Givnish C Stanley Umeweni D-G Joe John H-L Julia Lee M-O Michael Grunenwald P-Pa Ben King Pb-Pitt K Ashima Agarwal Pitt L- Pitt Z Matt Jankowitz Pitta-Pz Noelle Marousis Q-Sp RESERVED Sq-T Daniel Zuinino U-Z

8 Fiscal Year 2017 Usage Numbers
Our Budget Fiscal Year 2017 Usage Numbers Requesting Organizations: Total Funds Requested: 215 $1,050,000 Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Student Activities Fund $2,700,000 (SGB & SORC Operating Expenses) Programming (PMADD, Nordy’s, …) Pitt Program Council WPTS-FM Pitt Serves Distributed Student Activities Fund $850,000

9 Our Philosophy in the Face of Scarcity
Given the budget constraint that the Committee faces, we adhere to a policy of shared responsibility. Groups which demonstrate a concerted effort to help offset their costs through implementation of dues, active fundraising, out of pocket expenses, etc. are more likely (but never guaranteed) to receive funding.

10 Shared Responsibility
Groups with closed membership and whose benefit is primarily internal will be held to higher standards of shared responsibility than groups which directly impact larger numbers of Pitt students.

11 The Allocations Process

12 Prerequisites for Funding
SORC Certification Mainly non-CGS composition Not a recognized social fraternity No outside bank account

13 But how do I get the money?!
Two ways of obtaining funds Budget submissions Supplemental requests

14 Budgeting Process: Non-Gov. Groups
Optional Designed for long-term planning into next semester and/or fiscal year Good for groups which: Have the same expenses each fiscal year Know exact costs and can document them well in advance Occur once per semester

15 Budgeting Process: Gov. Groups
Only source of SGB funding for Governance Groups Typically allocate comparable funds from year to year Occurs semesterly Budgets submitted in the spring are either for the fall or the next fiscal year GGs which submit only a semester budget in the spring may submit another in the fall for the next spring

16 Budgeting Process Fall 2018
Tentative budget submission deadline: October 26 Tentative budget hearing: November 1-2 Official deadlines and access to budget submission forms will be announced well in advance Budget info sessions (prerequisite for submission) TBA

17 Budgeting Process- Appeals
Governance Group budgets are automatically appealed to the Board for final approval Appeal hearings typically take place the week following budget hearings Appeals are optional for non-Governance Groups

18 Budget Modifications Governance Groups only
If money earmarked during budgets goes unused, it may be repurposed via the budget modification process Must fill out both:  An online supplemental request form An online budget modification form See SGB Allocations website

19 Funding Release Funds which are not used sit earmarked in organizational accounts Can return unspent funds with Funding Release form Clears up any committed cap space Allows for funds' redistribution Must be filled out in Allocations office

20 Supplemental Process Requests for as-needed funding with weekly submission deadlines Supplemental hearings occur weekly on Thursday nights

21 Supplemental Process Submission ​
Submit online form by 5pm Wednesday ​ Receive confirmation ​ Allocations Hearing ​ Receive on Wednesday with time to appear ​ Meet with Committee during Thursday night meeting ​ Receive decision by Friday at 2pm ​ Money in SORC account on Friday ​ Reheard following week if postponed ​ Public Meeting ​ If over $1,200 ​ Appear in front of Board at 8:45pm on Tuesday in Nordy’s Place ​ Money in SORC account on Wednesday ​

22 SORC Student Organization Resource Center
Each club has its own "bank account" All allocated funds are channeled through here Various payment methods Check Payment card Out of pocket and reimbursement

23 How to Submit: Request Type
Program Expense Itemization (PEI) Purchase, Rental, and Service (PRS) Travel Request – Conference Request (CR) Travel Request – Competition Expense Itemization (CEI) Travel Request – General Travel (GT)

24 How to Submit Utilize online supplemental request form via Allocations page at

25 How to Submit

26 How to Submit

27 How to Submit

28 How to Submit

29 Summer Operations Not officially operational in the summer
Reach out to Chair with questions

30 The Allocations Policies

31 Viewpoint Neutrality SGB does not consider the viewpoint of a group's program when making funding decisions; any and all viewpoints are welcome to apply for funding. Also, a denial of funds should not be viewed as a denial of permission- if we aren't able to provide funding, the show can still go on!

32 General Submission Requirements
Completeness All expenses related to one event, program, competition, etc. must appear on one request Cannot ask for more later Cannot split parts of a request among different groups Collaborate on one request Timeliness Submit ASAP "Proximity to an event will not be considered a compelling reason to act on a request"

33 Documentation ALL requested expenses must be documented
Documentation must: 1. Be from the source 2. Exactly match the requested amount 3. Be contemporary We are unable to fund requests with incomplete or invalid documentation

34 In order for a request to be processed...
It must be submitted no later than 5:00pm on Wednesday The submitting org. Must be SORC-registered Dates must be within FY, contract, and process guidelines Documentation must be attached It must not contain elements from previous requests submitted that FY

35 In order for a request to be put on the agenda...
All math and documentation must be exactly correct All documentation must be contemporary All proposed purchases must include an itemized breakdown of unit cost and quantity

36 SGB is unable to fund for:
Programs that duplicate or compete with specific PPC programs Donations, personal gifts, or giveaways Scheduled substances Any expense related to the appearance of a candidate for public office Salaries, stipends, honoraria, or any remunerations to advisors, coaches, officers, or members Travel expenses for non-undergraduate student members 7. First class airfare (excepted for invited guests) Any request requiring travel outside of the continental North America Spring Break travel unless required Expenses covered by SORC Off-campus leadership retreats (GG exception) Alternative spring break programming Individual membership dues Expenses related to academic requirements Social or recruiting events Capital improvements to any facilities

37 Deficit Spending We are unable to fund for any expenses which have already been paid for or for which the group has already contractually agreed to pay

38 SGB is also unable to fund for...
Previously denied requests On-campus conferences and competitions Expenses judged to be individual or the responsibility of a sponsoring department or unit Programs which are primarily a fundraiser for the group or a third party

39 Admission Fees and Charging
The Student Activity Fund will only cover programs or items that are free for Pitt undergraduate students Groups may add a fundraising component to programs funded in part or in full by the Student Activity Fund during or after the event (not at the door!)

40 Generally Applicable Policies
When multiple rooms are requested for lodging, SGB will fund for hotel rooms at no less than a 4:1 person-to-room ratio Ground transportation using personal vehicles is fundable according to the following: Vehicle Type​ Reimbursement Rate​ University Vehicles​ University Mileage Rate​ Rental and Personal Student Vehicles​ IRS moving reimbursement rate​ (.18 for 2018) Personal Guest of Honor Vehicles​

41 Conference Policies $2000 per fiscal year cap [$5000 for Gov. Groups]
Max of four delegates' expenses will be approved per conference [no max for Gov. Groups] One room allocated for lodging No meals What do we look for?

42 Policies, cont. Competitions $5000 cap per fiscal year
(non club sports) $2000 for non-competitive sports Food and Purchases Food Educational purposes only Must substantively relate to event $3.00/Pitt student attending Purchases Typically scrutinized for reusability and storage

43 Governance Group Policies
E-Board Retreats $2000 cap per fiscal year Must provide documented proof of advisor's attendance and agenda All advisor and meal costs are responsibility of group or sponsor Governance Group Conferences May fund for expenses related to a Gov. Group hosting a conference for its governed organizations May approve food at $3.00/Pitt student Must provide agenda with request

44 Requests Involving Contracts
Required for visiting performers/entertainers/speakers Contracts must be submitted to SORC at least 21 business days prior to event Contracts cannot be approved until funding has been approved Plan ahead!!!

45 Club Sports Policies

46 Club Sport Caps Disproportionate funding increases resulted in deficit Ultimately, cap eligibility determined by contributions to SORC account in previous fiscal year Greater club autonomy Clubs may opt in or out

47 Club Sports Policy

48 Allocations Committee
The purpose of the Allocations process is to distribute funds fairly and effectively We want to help make your programs possible! Always feel free to stop by our office hours for help with requests, budgets, or any questions and concerns

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