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OCS Scheduler Status Francisco Delgado T&S Software Manager

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Presentation on theme: "OCS Scheduler Status Francisco Delgado T&S Software Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 OCS Scheduler Status Francisco Delgado T&S Software Manager
LSST Joint Technical Meeting | Glendale, CA

2 Automatic & Dynamic LSST Scheduler
LSST as a robotic observatory Targets are Field/Filter Survey is automatic Multiple science goals Combine area distribution with temporal sampling Dynamic adaptation to weather Flexibility for survey adjustments during operations Flexibility for changes in science programs

3 Prototype History OpSim1 Proof of concept in IDL
Simulation of visits with multiple science cases. OpSim2 Python Detailed model for the observatory and the weather Embedded Scheduler prototype Telescope design validation, site selection OpSim3 Additional science cases and scheduling algorithms Modular Scheduler prototype Parameters exploration, survey definition validation

4 OCS Requirements Flow Down
Science Requirements Document LPM-17 Science Book Science Collaborations LSST System Requirements LSE-29 Metrics Requirements DOC-15319 Observatory System Specifications LSE-30 OpSim Requirements LSE-189 Telescope & Site Requirements LSE-60 Observatory Control System Requirements LSE-62 Scheduler Requirements LTS-347

5 History of Reviews 2011-08-29 NSF Preliminary Design Review
NSF Joint Interface & Management Review OCS/TCS Software Review NSF Final Design Review OpSim/Scheduler Review Start of Construction OCS Interface Review NSF Status Review NSF/DOE Status Review OCS/TCS Software Status Review T&S Integration Review DOE/NSF Commissioning Review

6 Observatory Control System
Control Context Observatory Control System TCS OCS Application OCS Scheduler CCS OCS Sequencer OCS EFD DMCS

7 Operations Simulator v4
Simulation Context Operations Simulator v4 OCS Scheduler Simulated OCS (SOCS)

8 OCS communications Middleware
Control Data Flow OCS Operator OCS Remote OCS Monitor OCS Application Control Scheduler History OCS EFD OCS Sequencer Telemetry Image Quality Cmd Visits Targets Sched Telem Visits OCS communications Middleware TCS CCS DM

9 OCS communications Middleware
Simulation Data Flow Control Scheduler History Telemetry Image Quality Targets Sched Telem Visits OCS communications Middleware SOCS

10 Internal Block Diagram
Time Main Driver Sched Config Scheduler Sched Mode Control Targets Targets Downtime Cost functions Sched Telem Degraded Sched Telem Slew Time Observatory Model Telemetry Observatory conditions Sky Model Pre-Calc Data Candidates Weather forecast Proposals Image Quality Environment conditions Value functions History Quality parameters Observation History Past observations Visits Current observation 10

11 Science Proposal Classes
Scripted proposals Designed to produce a pre-determined sequence Basic parameter: scripted cadence of targets Area distribution proposals Designed to obtain uniform distribution Basic parameter: goal visits per filter Look-ahead info: future available time for the targets Time distribution proposals Designed to obtain specified intervals in sequences Basic parameter: time window for visits interval Look-ahead info: visibility for next intervals

12 Accuracy changes Repeatability
100% repeatability in observations sequence and slew states Alt-Az precision Alt-Az estimated at slewInit and recalculated at slewFinal Difference can be seen between “target” and “slewFinalState” Remaining tracking time Taken into account before sending target (+30 seconds) Avoid reaching tracking limits in altitude, azimuth or rotator

13 Accuracy changes Sky brightness model
New model, per band, includes explicit twilight Configurable moon avoidance New sky model also includes it (built-in) No caching ranks (reuse) Everything is ranked at each visit

14 Ranking a Target Hard constraints Global
Filter change rate, burst and average Observatory kinematic limits Per Proposal Airmass Transparency Seeing Sky region (dynamic for rolling cadence) Per Filter sky brightness

15 Area distribution algorithms
Need ratio

16 Area Distribution changes
Time window hybrid Optional configurable grouped timed visits The first in the group is area ranked The followings in the group are time-window ranked Same night revisits constraint Revisits to the group during the same night can be avoided No overflow

17 Rank Bonuses Airmass bonus Hour Angle bonus

18 Ranking a Target Need Function Time Distribution
Look-ahead: future sequence feasibility Value Function

19 Proposals priorities changes
Self balancing mechanism

20 Slew time cost

21 Filter change cost

22 Final target rank Value Boost and Cost

23 Serendipity changes Proposal Id based
PropId is included in the observation Winners and Losers counted If serendipity is allowed, both lists are searched Coadding is now optional Coadding values for a target in more than one proposal can be disabled

24 OCS Scheduler plan Scheduler v0.1 2015-July OCS Middleware framework
Scheduler v December Observatory kinematic model Scripted targets proposal Scheduler v May Area distribution proposals Sky brightness model Airmass bonus Slew time cost function Dynamic configuration

25 OCS Scheduler plan Scheduler v1.0 2017-March
Filter swaps around new moon Filter change rate constraints Filter change cost function Downtime handling Clouds handling Seeing handling Hour angle bonus Self balancing proposals Grouped visits for Area distribution proposals Time distribution proposals with sequences Parallel subsequences Rolling cadence Deep drilling

26 OCS Scheduler plan Scheduler v1.1 2017-August
Deterministic look-ahead area distribution Scheduler v December Deterministic look-ahead time distribution Scheduler v April Speed performance improvements Scheduler v October Warm start to resume partial survey

27 OCS Scheduler plan Scheduler v1.5 2019-March Dithering patterns
Scheduler v August Predicted schedule publication Scheduler v December Weather forecast handling Scheduler v May Community provided optimizations

28 (Metrics Analysis Framework)
Validation OpSim (Operations Simulator) Observations Database Scheduler SOCS (Simulated OCS) MAF (Metrics Analysis Framework)

29 Analysis of runs

30 Quality Assurance Unit Test Integration Test with SOCS
Algorithms Validation Validation runs by Systems Engineering Simulations Release Tests (includes installation and fiducial run) Scientific Validation by Science Collaborations Integration Tests with OCS

31 Software Engineering Tools
Model Based Systems Engineering SysML modeling with Enterprise Architect PMCS with Primavera Coordination and progress with JIRA Documentation in Docushare Interface controlled in OCS SAL with XML Version control with Git, Stash Mirrored on GitHub Continuous Integration with Jenkins Coding standards from Telescope group and Simulations group

32 Summary Scheduling algorithms validated during prototype effort
Scheduler designed for control and simulation context Development plan coordinated with SOCS for I&T Integration activities with Observatory Control System In Control context the Scheduler drives the LSST survey In Simulation context the Scheduler evaluates alternate surveys for parameters exploration and optimizations during operations

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