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“From Sea to Shining Sea:” The American Dream of Manifest Destiny!

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Presentation on theme: "“From Sea to Shining Sea:” The American Dream of Manifest Destiny!"— Presentation transcript:

1 “From Sea to Shining Sea:” The American Dream of Manifest Destiny!

2 manifest destiny Manifest Destiny: Americans “destined” to take over continent; authorized by God to civilize Indians. 1845  John O’Sullivan term  Manifest Destiny “We are the nation of human progress, and who will, what can, set limits to our onward march?” White Man’s Burden?  “civilize” Indian tribes Increase trade with??? Other ante bellum effects?

3 DISCUSS: what do you see? What inferences can you make?

4 Manifest Destiny Economic Motivation: fur trade drove early exploration; overland trails to Oregon in 1840’s. Fur trade  first economic motivation Not until the 1820s could American companies challenge the British. Trappers known as mountain men: accommodated themselves to local Indians rarely came in contact with whites Beaver trapped out Settlers move out to Oregon overland trails 1) MC Discuss: what potential dangers could trans-continental overland travelers in the 1840’s face?

5 Why Oregon? Pioneers traveled to Oregon for several reasons including: to find fertile farmland, to bring Christianity to the Native Americans, for business and trade opportunities, and to head to California for gold. Most gold seekers came overland along this trail but many others came from Mexico, South America, Europe, and Australia. Three hundred Chinese men also came to America, establishing California’s Chinese American community.

6 What was the Oregon Trail?
“Oregon fever” began in the early 1840s and lasted until 1869 when the transcontinental railroad made traveling across the country quicker and easier. The Oregon trail 2,000 mile trail from Missouri to Oregon that millions took for a new life


8 What was the Oregon Trail?
The trip west lasted three to six months. Pioneers began in the spring in order to complete the trip before winter snows blocked the mountain passes. The trail crossed difficult terrain and the pioneers walked across plains that seemed like they would never end, forded through lively rivers, and climbed up high mountains.

9 What was the Journey Like?
Do you think the travel along the Oregon trail was easy? NO!! Dangers included: fierce animals, attacks by Native Americans, difficult weather, dangerous terrain, robbery, and disease. About one out of every ten pioneers died on the trail from either disease, overwork, hunger, or accidents.

10 The Donner Party George; 87; snow, oxen/horse 15 set out Forlorn Hope; 2/5 survive; First/2nd Relief 31 eat car.; of 87 39/48s

11 Conestoga Wagons 18 feet long 11 feet high 4 feet wide
Curved floor to prevent cargo from spilling Tough, white canvas cover

12 Supplies In order to successfully complete the journey, you would need: one or two sturdy wagons, 6-10 oxen, plenty of clothes, 1-2 milk cows, 600 pounds of flour, 120 pounds of biscuits, 400 pounds of bacon, 60 pounds of coffee, 4 pounds of tea, 100 pounds of sugar, and 200 pounds of lard, plenty of rice, beans, and dried fruit, utensils, furniture, stoves, guns, and farming/household supplies.

13 Early Settlers Mountain men such as Jedidiah Smith were men who knew how to live in the Oregon wilderness and trap beavers. Many of them had Native American wives and adopted native ways of life. These men had to be skillful and resourceful to survive. One man once held his hands “in an anthill until they were covered with ants, then greedily licked them off.”


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