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Fighting for the Four Freedoms:

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Presentation on theme: "Fighting for the Four Freedoms:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fighting for the Four Freedoms:
World War II,

2 Four Freedoms

3 Good Neighbor Policy With the Soviet Union Latin America

4 Road to War JAPAN


6 Adolph Hitler’s German Expansion Campaign

7 Benito Mussolini (Fascist)

8 General Francisco Franco


10 Munich Conference 1938

11 Isolationism Overseas markets in Germany & Japan Legacy of WWI
Nye’s Committee Neutrality Acts

12 German Invasion of Poland

13 Battle of Britain

14 Lend Lease Act Helped Britain, China & Russia

15 Other Steps Toward Intervention
US froze Japanese assets and no longer traded with them Interventionists tried to awaken a reluctant country to prepare for war



18 Baaton Death March

19 Pacific Turning Tides: Coral Sea & Midway Battles


21 Erwin Rommel: Desert Fox
North Africa Erwin Rommel: Desert Fox

22 D-Day


24 Stalingrad

25 Holocaust


27 Mobilizing the War National government’s role transformed
Gov built housing for workers and forced civilian industries to retool for war production

28 Business and War Incentives to spur production: low interest loans, tax concessions and contracts with guaranteed profits Economy focused on wartime goods, utilized science & technology West coast growth South still tied to agriculture

29 Union Established Institutions



32 Freedom From Want: Office of War Information



35 Women at War

36 National Resources Planning Board
Full employment Expanded welfare state Widely shared American standard of living Based on Keynesian Economics (massive spending on job creation & public works, urban redevelopment, and rural electrification programs) Congress eliminated funds… ideas went to far

37 Economic Bill of Rights
Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (GI Bill of Rights) Full Employment Bill (Congress dropped word full)

38 Patriotic Assimilation
Melting pot Promotion of pluralism Equality was definition of Americanism… the opposite of Nazism Racism and nativism stripped of American respectability

39 Mexican American Rights Bracero Program

40 Native Americans

41 Asian Americans In Wartime

42 Blacks and the War

43 Civil Rights Movement March on Washington Executive Order 8802
Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) Philip Randolph

44 Atomic Bomb

45 Planning the Post War World
Tehran Yalta Potsdam


47 Complaints between the Big Three
Russia’s western front Eastern Europe India and other British Colonies

48 Bretton Woods Replaced British pound with American dollar as main currency Put US back on gold standard Est World Bank Est International Monetary Fund

49 United Nations Dumbarton Oaks US dominant power Atlantic Charter

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