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WW2 #2: France & Britain Blitzkrieg means…

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1 WW2 #2: France & Britain Blitzkrieg means…
The attack on this country begins WW2 Germany signs a pact (agreement) not to fight with this country

2 France: Ger goes around Maginot, May 1940
Goes through the Ardennes forest

3 Dunkirk Ger trap Allies at the coast, in Dunkirk
Britain rescues most of the soldiers – small boats cross channel to take 338,000 soldiers to larger boats in deeper waters

4 Who is left to the fight the Axis Powers?
Italy joins Ger by attacking France from south June 22, 1940, France surrenders Charles de Gaulle: General of Fr’s army, flees to London, and leads resistance movement agst Ger Who is left to the fight the Axis Powers?

5 Great Britain alone in its fight agst Ger
Winston Churchill leads the fight! “We shall never surrender!”

6 Blitz: bomb London for 57 days in a row!
Battle of Britain: Sept 1940: Ger launches Operation Sea Lion: attack on Britain Luftwaffe (German air force) bomb country 1st attack military and Royal Air Force (RAF) Turn to cities / civilians Blitz: bomb London for 57 days in a row!

7 A B C D Children were evacuated to the countryside to keep them safe during the war.

8 Battle of Britain, cont’d
Air raid shelters / Send kids out to country Hitler stop ins May 1941 Who wins?

9 WW2 #4: Attacks Continue Which countries have fallen to Germany? Name 3 Which Allied country is able to stop Germany’s advances? Which country signed a nonaggression pact with Germany?

10 Africa Italy wants Suez Canal in Egypt (British colony) – easy access to OIL Britain resists: Winning Hitler sends in reinforcements under General Erwin Rommel Axis begin to win

11 Eastern Europe Hitler persuades most of E. Eur to join Axis Powers
Attack & defeat – Yugoslavia & Greece

12 Who’s winning?

13 Invasion of USSR “Operation Barbarossa”
June 22, 1941: Ger invades USSR Why? Land, destroy communists & Jews Ger winning: Ger troops not supplied – use Russian supplies Scorched earth policy:

14 Battle of Leningrad: (Sept 1941) Ger will cut off city from supplies & wait for surrender
Battle of Moscow: (Oct 1941) Ger will close in on capital but winter comes – Ger will retreat and wait

15 Compare and Contrast Battle of Leningrad to Battle of Britain
Similarities Britain 5-7 items in each column Draw a picture or symbol for each column Create your own original title for the poster Put names on the back

16 Who’s winning? Axis Powers: Allied Powers:
List all the places this alliance has won up to this point Allied Powers: List all the places this alliance has won up to this point

17 Tobruk, Libya Who’s winning? Battle goes back & forth
Rommel “Desert Fox” pushes British out of Tobruk & claim victory – Jan 1942 Who’s winning?

18 Answer: Convince the US to join this war. Use evidence from this battle to persuade the Americans who really, really don’t want to fight. (4-6 sentence s)

19 WW2 Battles Battle: Draw a picture, symbol, or write a 5 word less description Invasion of Poland Battle of France Dunkirk Battle of Britain Battle of Leningrad Battle of Moscow Summary: When, Where, Who, What happened? Significance: Who wins? What advantage(s) are gained? What does this tell us about the way the war is going (good for Allies/Axis?) Is it a turning point?

20 WW2 #5: Life on Home front This is important / significant because …..
Say: What do you SEE in the cartoon / poster? Do all 2 cartoons & pick 2 posters Pick 5 interesting points in the interview Mean: This means that …. This shows us that…. Matter: This is important / significant because …..

21 WW2 #5: Life on Home front Say:
A small boy is using a sling shot against a 3 headed monster with big bad weapons (David & Goliath) Mean: This means that the Allies may appear small & weak compared to Axis powers – but they will win Matter: The Allies are hopeful & determined to win – even if it doesn’t look so promising at the moment.


23 Nazi-Soviet Pact – why did these sworn enemies create a peace treaty between each other before the outbreak of WWII? Why did Europe let Hitler get away with expansion before Sept. 1939? Blitzkrieg on Poland, London Blitz, Operation Barbarossa, Stalingrad, Leningrad Nazis in France – How did they control France during most of the war? War Criminals: How were they determined/ punished? Why West didn’t Stop the Death Camps –what did the west know and why did they ignore the slaughter?

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