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Introspective inward looking intro (into) + spec (look)

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Presentation on theme: "Introspective inward looking intro (into) + spec (look)"— Presentation transcript:

1 introspective inward looking intro (into) + spec (look)

2 intervene come between inter (between)+ ven (come)

3 syndrome group of symptoms syn (together) + drome (running)

4 subordinate lower sub (below) + ordin (rank)

5 dissonant harsh in sound dis (away) + son (sound)

6 belligerent warlike bell (war)

7 credible believable cred (believe) + ible (able)

8 impending about to happen im(into) + pend (hang)

9 polyphonic multi-melodic poly (many) + phon (sound)

10 exculpate free from blame ex (out) + culp (blame)

11 euphemism pleasant name eu (good) + pheme (speak)

12 benefactor helper ben (good) + factor (maker)

13 megalomania delusions of greatness mega (large) + mania (madness)

14 magnate powerful person magn (great)

15 vivacious lively viv (life) + ous (full of)

16 heliotropic sun-following helio (sun) + tropo (turn)

17 amour-propre self-esteem amat (love)

18 octogenarian someone in their 80s octo (8)

19 cognoscenti persons who have superior knowledge cogno (know)

20 surfeit excess sur (over) + feit = fact (to do)

21 primate monkeys & humans prim (first)

22 pellucid crystal clear per (through) + luc (light)

23 circumvent get around circum (around) + ven (come)

24 hemiplegia paralysis on one side hemi (half) + plegia (paralysis)

25 narcolepsy attacks of sleep narco (sleep) + lepsy (attack)

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