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aied2009 Artificial Intelligence in Education

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1 aied2009 Artificial Intelligence in Education
14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education July 6th - 10th 2009, Thistle Hotel, Brighton, UK SUBMISSION CATEGORIES • Full papers - original and unpublished work • Young researcher's track (YRT) - work-in progress by graduate students and other young researchers • Posters – work-in-progress • Interactive events (IE) – demonstration of AIED systems • Panels - bring together 4 or 5 experts to discuss a topical issue in AIED • Workshop proposals – address “hot” topics in AIED • Tutorial proposals – overview of important AIED topics IMPORTANT DATES (tentative) • Papers, posters, YRT, IE: 15 Jan 2009 • Workshop, panel, and tutorial proposals: 15 Jan 2009 • Author notification: 15 March 2009 • Workshops and tutorials approved: 15 March 2009 • Camera ready due: 15 April 2009 CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION Conference Chair: Art Graesser Local Arrangements Chair: Benedict du Boulay Program Chairs: Vania Dimitrova and Riichiro Mizoguchi YRT Chairs: George Magoulas and Tanja Mitrovic Poster Chairs: Neil Heffernan and Tsukasa Hirashima Interactive Events Chair: Jack Mostow Workshop Chairs: Scotty Craig and Darina Dicheva Tutorial Chairs: Beatriz Barros and Stephen Weibelzahl Sponsorship Chairs: Roger Azevedo & TBA An ongoing series of biennial international conferences for top quality research in cognitive science and intelligent systems for educational computing applications. The conference thus provides opportunities for the cross-fertilization of information and ideas from researchers in the many fields that make up this interdisciplinary research area, including: artificial intelligence, other areas of computer science, cognitive science, education, learning sciences, educational technology, psychology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, and the many domain-specific areas for which AIED systems have been designed and built. TOPICS (preliminary): Socially informed design; Collaborative and group learning; Learning systems platforms and architectures; Modeling and representation; Methods, tools and techniques for effective evaluation of cognitive, meta-cognitive and affective issues; The design and modelling of learning contexts and their impact on learning; Interaction design and novel interfaces; Intelligent tutoring and scaffolding, Special application fields.

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