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Coaching C/Maj Zach Bannon.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching C/Maj Zach Bannon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching C/Maj Zach Bannon

2 Intro Definition of Coaching Need for Coaching
Elements of Successful Coaching Techniques of Successful Coaching

3 Definition of Coaching
Coaching is the process through which leaders try to solve performance problems and develop their people. Coaching should be done one on one. Coaching should be positive and helpful always.

4 Need for Coaching When is coaching required?
Development to reach a higher level of effectiveness Raise competency of individuals and in turn raise the competency of the unit

5 Elements of Successful Coaching
Dialogue Empowerment Action Improvement

6 Techniques of Successful Coaching
Observation Purpose Dialogue Follow-Up

7 Conclusion Coaching should be done constantly to develop subordinates and improve the unit. Coaching requires using elements of successful coaching. Coaching requires using techniques of successful coaching.

8 Questions?

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