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Sampling Method #4: Core Sampling.

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Presentation on theme: "Sampling Method #4: Core Sampling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sampling Method #4: Core Sampling

2 How can we find out what is below the ocean floor?
Core Sampling How can we find out what is below the ocean floor?



5 Preparing to Sample

6 R/V Gilbert

7 What Did They Collect?

8 Core Sample

9 Underwater Core Sampling

10 Directions Divide your paper into 4 sections
Section 1: Predict (draw) what you believe the inside of the cupcake will look like Section 2: Take a core sample and draw it

11 Directions Section 3: Once again, predict (draw) what you believe the inside of the cupcake looks like based on your core sample Section 4: Cut the cupcake open and draw what it actually looks like inside.

12 Question Describe a core sample. How is the sample obtained?
How does this method of sampling assist oceanographers in learning about the ocean?

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