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Educational Reform on ASSESSMENT

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1 Educational Reform on ASSESSMENT
What Does All of This Look Like In The Classroom?

2 Former Assessment Practices
We Had: Weekly Quizzes – usually on Fridays Unit Tests Quarter Projects Midterm Exams Final Exam Under the control of the individual subject teachers

3 New Assessment Practices
Now we have: Common Tasks Common Course Assessments (CCAs) Performance Assessments Student Portfolio Exhibits Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Designed and monitored by a department or committee

4 Common Tasks & CCAs Purpose: Given to all students in the same course
To compare student performance in one class against the performance of another student in a different class (different teacher) PBGR - Portfolio based graduation requirement Teacher accountability NCLB & Race to the top Given to all students in the same course Given at the same time (sequential) Graded with a calibrated rubric Blind scored May be double blind scored

5 Performance Assessments
Hand- on Projects Completed in class and graded using a performance rubric Performance check sheet Rating on skills Task can be: On demand task – taken in school on a specific day(s) Extended task- may be given time in class for a section of the task but requires time outside of the classroom to complete Are usually open ended task therefore more difficult to copy someone else These can be group tasks Example in Math

6 Student Portfolio Exhibits
Part of the PBGR Will differ from school to school May differ from year of graduation (raise or lower the requirements) Exhibits must be: a DOK of 3 or 4 Connected to school’s learning expectations Connected to common core standards Connected to 21st century skills Demonstrate proficiency 80%

7 Teacher Evaluation Process
A quick look at what you are in For 

8 Criteria for Your Evaluation: PGG
PGG – professional growth Goal SMART Goal PGP – professional growth plan You set this goal at the start of the year Throughout the year, you collect evidence to prove that you have accomplished this goal One on one meeting with your administrator to discuss your accomplishment of the goal and provide evidence. This meeting takes place at the end of the school year.

9 Criteria for Your Evaluation: SLOs
SLO – Student Learning Objectives Required to write two/year…plans to raise that to 4/year … plans to get rid of SLOs Only time will tell! Set at the beginning of the year. Requires data collection: need to have a base line and an end point Your SLOs are either accomplished or not. Becomes a factor on your final assessment scoring rubric

10 Standard 4 What you need to do. Listed as Appendix 5 in RIDE Manual

11 Teacher Professional Foundations of Standard 4

12 Standard 4 What you need to do: LOG EVERYTHING!!!

13 What Should I make Sure to Log ?
In School: Common planning time Meetings for students with other teachers/(IEP), administrators, and guidance, parental meetings. Research student records/progress reports On Your Time: One on one with students before and after school Communication with parents – Phone Log, Parent “Received Records”

14 Document Everything You Do!
The Key to Standard 4 Document Everything You Do!



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