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End of Year Overview & Changes

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1 End of Year Overview & Changes
Program Participation Absence Summary/ Cumulative Enrollment/ Discipline Course Completion CTE Welcome to the EOY Overview and Changes training. In this training we will give you a brief overview of EOY submissions and discuss the changes for this year in detail.

2 Who’s Supposed to Be Here
Experienced Individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance Supervisor of staff assigned to CALPADS We anticipate experienced individuals entering/maintaining CP data to attend the EOY Submission Overview & Changes training. End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

3 Successfully completed EOY reporting on time
Experienced User Successfully completed EOY reporting on time Understands data required for each submission Can easily extract files from SIS Can upload and post batch files Knows the difference between ODS and Snapshot Can reconcile data on reports with local SIS Knows the difference between Level 1 Certification and Level 2 Certification We expect a experienced user to have… {read each item} If you have not completed one or more of these items then we ask that you attend the regular EOY trainings. End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

4 Other Users Attend EOY 2 and 3 Attend EOY 1
Submissions required for all LEAs Attend EOY 1 EOY 1 required for schools with grades 7-12 If you are not an experienced user, we recommend you attend the regular EOY sessions listed on this slide. End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

5 Training Sequence Essential 1: Data Coordinator Orientation Essential 2: Interface & Administration Essential 3: Data Submission Essential 4: Anomalies Fall 1 Fall 2 Data Population Fall 2 Reporting and Certification EOY 1 EOY 2 & 3 EOY 1-3 Overview & Changes CALPADS System Changes Here is a list of all the CALPADS trainings we provide which are available in both self-paced and webinar formats. Prior to today’s training the assumption is that you have completed E1, E2, E3, Fall 1, CP Changes, F2 Data Population & F2 Reporting and Certification. (Trainer may decide to just start at E1 and move cursor through F2 instead) End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

6 Questions and Courtesy
HOLD Mute yourself There will be time during the Q & A segment to read chat answers and get clarification. Please focus on the presentation so you do not miss something important. Questions may be asked here, but they may not be answered immediately. Lync Chat Box Chat Button Shows or hides the chat box Please include your name and LEA when asking questions Here are our courtesy guidelines to create a session with minimal disruptions/interruptions: 1) Do not put your phone on HOLD!!! If you absolutely need to take another call during this session, please end your call with us and then call back into the training once you are done. Even if you do not press a hold button, many phones put a call on hold if you pick up a second one. The music played by the hold can be very disruptive to the training. 2) When we are presenting please make sure to mute your phone. If necessary we will mute everyone, and then you will need to wait for me to unmute everyone before you can ask a question. 3) We will stop periodically for questions. We encourage you to ask questions, That said, please hold your questions until we call for them, which we will try to do at reasonable intervals. 4) When you ask a question, please include your name and your LEA. 5) If you happen to ask a particularly lengthy question or one that is unrelated to the material currently being covered we may postpone addressing the question until the end of the presentation, in the Q & A segment of the training. 6) We want to make sure all of your questions are answered, so if you think we missed your question, please remind us of your outstanding question at the end of the presentation during the Q & A segment or send in a service ticket or attend the live Q&A held each Wednesday at 3pm Last - Lync provides a chat box where you can type questions that CSIS staff will answer, however please try to focus on the presentation so you do not miss something important. If you think that you need a more immediate answer so you can understand the current slide, please ask it verbally when we pause for questions. Also note the chat box can be turned off if it creates a distraction. (explain how to do this) Lengthy or unrelated questions may be postponed until the Q & A segment of the training. End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

7 Agenda EOY 1-3 Overview Changes Common Problems Wrap-Up 90 minutes
Today’s training will cover a general overview and information that is common among the EOY submissions. We will provide an overview of EOY 1-3 We will then look at the new changes for this year and a quick review of the certification process We will also look at some common problems. Then we will wrap up with suggested timelines, resources, etc. Wrap-Up 90 minutes End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

8 First we will start with the overview of general information for EOY submissions
EOY 1-3 Overview End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

9 End-of-Year Data Collections
EOY 1 July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 (SDEM, CRSC, SCSC, SCTE ) 3.9 Course Sections Completed Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses 3.14 Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers Count by Pathway 3.17 CTE NonConcentrators Participants – Count by Industry Sector EOY 2 (SPRG) 5.1 Program Participants Count 5.4 Homeless Students Enrolled Unduplicated Count by School EOY 3 (SDIS, STAS) 1.21 Cumulative Enrollment - Count 7.1 Discipline Incidents Count by Most Severe Offense 7.3 Disciplinary Actions Count 7.4 Discipline Actions Count by Offense 7.6 Discipline Actions Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions 7.7 Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count 7.8 Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count 14.1 Student Absenteeism - Count These are the current CALPADS Data Collections and a high level view of the data collected in each. Unlike Fall 1 and Fall 2, EOY reporting runs from 7/1/17 to 6/30/18, which means any new students or students who have left during this timeline will be reported. Go thru the content of slide… Notes: SSID Enrollment (SENR) and Student Information (SINF) Files must be up-to-date before uploading EOY files. For EOY-1, do not submit SASS. It is not used in EOY reporting. It may replace Fall 2 data All LEAs LEAs with Grades 7-12 (Report 1.0A) End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

10 State/Federal Data Usage LEA Impact if Not Certified
Why EOY? Annual Submission State or Federal State/Federal Data Usage LEA Impact if Not Certified EOY-1: Course completion Career Technical Education (CTE) concentrators and completers State DataQuest (Course Completion & CTE) 0 counts CTE Incentive Grant 0 counts & grant eligibility California School Dashboard (College/Career Indicator) Potential Orange Indicator Federal Carl Perkins Program (CTE Concentrators and Completers) EOY-2: Program participation Homeless & TK enrolled counts DataQuest (Programs such as Homeless and TK) Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title 1, Part A Neglected EDEN (Education Data Exchange Network) Reporting Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) EOY-3: Absence Summary/Cumulative Enrollment/Student discipline DataQuest (Discipline, Chronic Absenteeism, Cumulative Enrollment) California School Dashboard (Suspension & Chronic Absenteeism indicators) Potential Red Indicator NCLB Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) NCLB Title IX - At Risk/Persistently Dangerous Schools ESEA Title IV, Part A, Subpart 3, Section 4141 (e) - Firearm Offenses Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Gun Free Schools Act Annual Survey This slide shows what data is submitted for EOY and what it is used for both at the state and federal levels. It also shows what impact it will have if your LEA does not certify EOY. Reminder – Please note that your EOY 1 and 3 data submission is the data source for some of the indicators of the Ca. School Dashboard. Therefore, it is becoming even more critical to complete and certify the EOY submissions on time. End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

11 Important Dates for EOY 1-3
Snapshot starts May 14th Certification deadline July 31st Amendment window ends August 24th The EOY snapshots will be available on Monday —May 14th. The Certification deadline is 7/31 Amendment window closes 8/24/ Please keep in mind that the amendment window is really short. Therefore, ensure you complete the bulk of your EOY data submission during the submission window. Developing an internal timeline will assist in meeting the EOY deadlines. Reminder – Please keep in mind that this year you have more work for EOY. This includes exiting all your students prior to EOY-3 certification and potentially being pulled away for cohort questions and processing (need to be completed by September). Therefore, it is important for you to plan well for your EOY submission and other work ahead of time to ensure you certify your submissions before or by the deadline. Please use the URL provided to obtain the calendar and share with other staff. CALPADS Calendar: End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

12 EOY 2: Program Participation
Now we will move on to the individual submissions. The first submission we will cover is EOY 2 required for all LEAs -- Program Participation ALL LEAs End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

Data Collected for EOY 2 STUDENT PROGRAM (SPRG) FEDERAL 122 - NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted 174 - NCLB Title I Part A Neglected 191 - Homeless Program Accommodation Plan STATE 108 - Opportunity Program 113 - California Partnership Academy 162 - Pregnant or Parenting Programs 185 - Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Site Staff Program staff Site Administrators Student System Support Staff Review items on the slide. Reminders: EOY 2 counts all students reported for the 8 programs and identifies students from 7/1/17 to 6/30/18. Check Title I status for your schools. You will want to check with SIS vendor on how they store historical homeless data and how to report the Membership End Date if they stop being Homeless Program code 162 is also used in Perkins reporting as the “Single Parent” count for CTE reporting Programs should be reported at each school a student attends except for summer schools End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

14 Title 1 Reporting Notes LEAs must annually report whether schools are operating a schoolwide or targeted program in the Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS) Schools operating targeted programs – should submit Title I Basic Targeted program records Schools that are Title I schoolwide - should not report Title I Basic Targeted program records CALPADS will accept multiple SPRG Title 1 records for the same student, in the same reporting period, with different Education Services To avoid CERT097, LEAs must annually report whether schools are operating a schoolwide or targeted program in the Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS) Only schools being reported as operating targeted programs should submit Title I Basic Targeted program records LEAs should not report Title I Basic Targeted program records for schools that are Title I schoolwide LEAs can report multiple Educational Services for a student under Title1 Targeted CALPADS will accept multiple SPRG Title 1 records for the same student, in the same reporting period, with different Education Services End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

15 EOY 2: Reports 5.1– Program Participants – Count
5.3 – Program Participants – Student List 5.4- Homeless Students 5.5 – Homeless – Student List 5.2 - Program Participants – NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted Education Services EOY 2 (program participation and homeless data) has two Aggregate Reports to be reviewed after all required data has been posted. 5.1 Program Participants Count 5.4 Homeless Students There are also supporting reports to assist in reconciling CALPADS to local systems of record. 5.2 & 5.3 Provides supporting student detail data of 5.1 5.5 Provides supporting student detail data of 5.4 Please review the EOY 2 Data Mapping Guides at under Quick Links. This document will assist on which data elements are used in the counts for the aggregate reports. End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

16 Cumulative Enrollment/Discipline
EOY 3: Absence Summary/ Cumulative Enrollment/Discipline Now we are going to review the EOY 3 Absence Summary/Cumulative Enrollment/Discipline submission that is required for all LEAs. ALL LEAs End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

17 Data Collected for EOY 3 FEDERAL & STATE Discipline - SDIS Incident
Offense code Most severe offense code Action Taken Duration Instructional Supports Weapon category code Removal to Alternative Setting Student Absenteeism - STAS Cumulative Enrollment - SENR Review items on the slide. Reminders: All students with disabilities who committed an offense (defined in Ed Code or 48915) are reported regardless of outcome All students who committed firearm offenses (codes 100, 101, 103, 104 & 105) reported regardless of outcome Deciding the most severe offense is a local decision. Refer to the guidelines found in section of the data guide. Site Administrators District Administrators SIS Support Staff Special Ed staff Attendance Clerks Attendance Supervisor End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

18 Reportable Offences Only offenses defined in Education Code or should be reported. Students w/out disabilities Grade Level: K-12, UE and US One full day or more of Suspension Expulsion Students with Disabilities IN, TD, PS, K-12, UE and US Special Ed Program 144 record Any offense regardless of outcome and duration days Removal to Interim Alternative setting code in SDIS Weapons Offenses Weapon offense (Student Offense Codes 100, 101, 103, 104, 105) regardless, of outcome For Regular (Non-special education) students committing an offense that ties to Ed Codes or you will want to make sure the following data are current in CALPADS: -SENR should be current to represent all enrolled students and students that have exited during the AY. This year you will be reporting K-12, UE & US grade levels through the SENR. -The SINF should be current to represent all enrolled students and students that have exited during the AY. -The SDIS will report all reportable offenses during the AY which tie to Education Codes or For your students with disabilities, all offenses that tie to Ed Codes or 48915, will be reported regardless of the outcome resulting in suspension, expulsion or none (for example – student involved in harassment or intimidation (Student offense code - 506) and gets a disciplinary action of NO suspension or expulsion (300)). -The SENR should be current to represent all enrolled students and students that have exited during the AY. This year you will be reporting K-12, UE & US grade levels through the SENR. -Special Ed students are required to have an SPRG 144 reported -The SDIS will report all reportable offenses during the AY which tie to Education Codes or The full day suspension requirement does NOT apply to your special ed students. As long as the offenses tie to Education Codes or 48915, the incident and offense will be reported. Note: Removal to Interim Alternative Setting should be rare (see flash # 119 for more details). Weapon offenses have the same file requires as the non-special ed and special ed populations: -The SENR should be current to represent all enrolled students and students that have exited during the AY. This year you will be reporting TD, IN, PS, K-12, UE & US grade levels through the SENR. If student offense code is 100, 101, 103, 104, or 105, you will report the offense regardless of the outcome. Student offense code 102 is not reported as this is possession of an imitation firearm Summer school discipline incidents must be reported in CALPADS—see Data Guide section In school suspensions are reported if the offense ties to or The CALPADS Code Set (URL is provided on the Resource slide) provides a description and what Ed Codes the offense is tied to. Summer school discipline incidents must be reported in CALPADS End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

19 EOY 3: Reports 7.1 – Discipline Incidents – Count by Most Severe Offense 7.2 Discipline Incidents – Student List 7.3 – Discipline Actions – Count 7.4 – Discipline Actions – Count by Offense 7.5 – Discipline Offenses – Student List The EOY 3 has 8 aggregate reports and 5 supporting reports. Please allow enough time for others to review the reports thoroughly. Also consider how the detail reports are shared securely with other individuals within the district ( is not a secure method). Please note that: 7.1 Is an aggregate report and 7.2 provides the detail data in reconciling CALPADS data to a local system 7.3. & 7.4 are aggregate reports and 7.5 provides the detail data in reconciling CALPADS data to a local system 7.6 is another aggregate report providing persistently dangerous offense expulsions count and it does not have a supporting report. 7.7 and 7.8 aggregate reports with supporting report 7.9 provide details of Discipline removals for students with Disabilities. These reports should be shared with SELPAS for review. 7.6 – Discipline Actions – Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions 7.7 – Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count 7.8 – Unilateral Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count 7.9 – Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities – Student List End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

20 EOY 3: Reports 1.21 Cumulative Enrollment – Count
8.1 Cumulative Enrollment – Student List (EOY 3) 14.1 Student Absenteeism - Count 14.2 Student Absenteeism – Student List The EOY 3 has 8 aggregate reports and 5 supporting reports. There are no ODS reports for 1.21 or 14.1 End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

21 EOY 1: Course Completion & CTE Status
The next EOY submission 1 is for schools with grades 7-12 that offer departmentalized courses. In about 5 minutes or so we will get to the upcoming changes section which applies to all the LEAs. So, please tune back in soon if these sections don’t apply to you. Now we will cover End of Year 1 which includes Course Completion and Career and Technical Education, also known as CTE. EOY 1: Course Completion & CTE Status LEAs with Grades 7-12 End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

22 Data Collected for EOY 1 Teachers – SDEM Course Completion – CRSC
State course codes Course Content Code (154) Postsecondary Articulated Course Indicator Student Course Completion – SCSC UC/CSU Admission (A-G Req.) Credits Grades CTE - SCTE Pathways Completers and Concentrators Review items on the slide. Course Content Code 154 will now be used to designate High Quality CTE courses only. The use of this field has changed from previously being used with the 24 academic courses to identify them as CTE courses. Reminders: Course completion for End of Year 1 is not compared to Course enrollment from Fall 2 Course completion is only required for departmentalized classes in grades 7-12 CTE Non-Concentrators are reported in the CRSC file only while CTE Concentrators are determined using the SCTE file SEIDs submitted in Course Section Completion (CRSC) records are checked to make sure a corresponding Staff Demographic (SDEM) record exists in CALPADS (unless SEID is ) Do not submit the SASS file. Staff Assignment data is not required for EOY and submitting a file may wipe out previously submitted data Site Staff Registrars Program staff CTE Site Administrators Student System Support Staff Courses completed are not compared to course enrollment reported during Fall 2 End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

23 EOY 1: Perkins Reporting Changes
Reporting Method Future Past Perkins paper report Perkins E1 Perkins Data System (PDS) CALPADS – EOY 1 E-1 Perkins data will be represented through CALPADS. E-2 is still reported through the Perkins Data System. It is important that all data submitted through both systems is accurate to ensure consistency. Migration of the E-2 data collection into CALPADS is now scheduled for  2019–20. Therefore, the first time LEAs will report their E-2 data in CALPADS will be in the Spring/End-of-Year of 2020 for 2018–19 graduates. Once this transition is made, all LEAs that have reported concentrators and completers will be required to report postsecondary follow-up data, including LEAs that were NOT funded by the Perkins Program. Collection of E-1 and E-2 data for adult Career Technical Education (CTE) programs into CALPADS is scheduled for End-of-Year 2018–19 (May 2019). Please review Flash # 134 for more information on Perkins E-2 Reporting. Perkins paper report Perkins E2 Perkins Data System (PDS) CALPADS scheduled for 19-20 PDS will be the official source for Perkins E-2 data through , CALPADS reports will represent data reported for Perkins E-1 data End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

24 EOY 1: Reports 3.16 – Educational Options Course Completion – Student Count 3.9 – Course Sections Completed – Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses 3.11 – Course Sections Completed – Student List for Departmentalized Courses 3.10 – Course Sections Completed – Count and Details for Departmentalized Courses For End of Year 1 there are 3 aggregate reports, shown in white on the left. There are also multiple supporting reports which provide more specific counts or detailed lists of students who were counted in the aggregate reports. Please note that snapshot reports 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17 were modified to now include the Postsecondary Articulated column in each report. Remember, the arrows show how the reports link to other reports. 3.14 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway - Modified 3.15 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Student List - Modified 3.17 – CTE NonConcentrators Participants – Count by Industry Sector - Modified 3.18 – CTE NonConcentrators Participants – Student List - Modified End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

25 2017-18 Changes Now lets look at the EOY changes for 2017-18
End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

26 New EOY Code Set Changes
Functionality Description Code Set New – State course codes in series for CTE Courses Retired – State course codes in series for CTE Courses Re-activated – Program code 192 – Armed Forces Family Member LEAs are asked to submit these data if available, and if not, prepare to collect and report the data in 2018–19. Modified - Academic course is no longer counted as a CTE course Academic state course codes still valid codes but they cannot be used as CTE courses Course Content Code 154 is now used to designate High Quality CTE courses only The state course codes within all CTE Industry Sectors has been restructured and revised for the 2017–18 academic year. Please ensure all CTE courses are mapped to the new range course codes. Armed Forces Family Member (Program code = 192) LEAs are asked to submit these data if available, and if not, prepare to collect and report the data in 2018–19. Program 192 counts will not be visible on any CALPADS reports in However, the data submitted will be used to meet Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) reporting requirements this year and in the future. Flash # 133 has more details on this topic. Please refer to CALPADS Valid Code Combinations v9.2 & Code Sets v9.3 for details End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

27 New EOY Validation Changes
Functionality Description Validation – EOY-All Modified - Existing IVRs for CTE courses to utilize state course codes in 7000 – 8999 range beginning in 17-18 Modified – SENR0302 (F) – Severity changed to Fatal – If student has a secondary Enrollment Status Code (20) then Student Exit Reason must be = E170 (Secondary Enrollment Exit) Validation – EOY-3 Modified - STAS0305 (F) - Invalid Expected Attendance Days - triggers where Expected Attendance Days must now be less than 255 days instead of 250 days Discuss the new/updated validations on the slide in detail… Notes: End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

28 New EOY Certification Changes
Functionality Description Certification – EOY-1 Re-activated - CERT055 - (W) – will trigger for a high school without enrollment in career technical education Modified - CERT102 - (F) – severity changed from warning to fatal - No CTE concentrator or Completer Data triggers if no SCTE is reported and school receives funding for CTEIG or Perkins Modified - CERT122 - (F) – Missing SCSC record or incorrect pathway for CTE Concentrator (now applies to all sectors) triggers if missing Student Course Section Completion record (SCSC) related to the designated Concentrator course for the pathway reported in the SCTE record or the associated State Course Code submitted is not valid for SCTE Pathway Code Modified - CERT123 - (F) – Missing or invalid SCSC record for CTE Completer(now applies to all sectors) triggers if missing Student Course Section Completion record (SCSC) related to a designated Capstone course for the pathway reported in the SCTE record or it is not a Capstone course in the designated pathway. Discuss the items on the slide in detail… Notes: End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

29 New EOY Certification Changes
Functionality Description Certification – EOY-All New - CERT004 (F) - Ethnicity/Race Data Missing - triggers for all EOY Submissions now Certification – EOY-3 New – CERT131 (F) – triggers when Student Enrollment Record in current active AY is not exited prior to EOY-3 certification. Reports - All Modified – Snapshot Reports 3.14, 3.15, 3.17, 3.18 and C/A 3.14 Column added to each report to show students enrolled in Postsecondary Articulated Courses Discuss the items on the slide in detail… CERT004 – This error will trigger for any student with missing ethnicity/race information across all EOY submission. Once a student’s ethnicity/race is populated and a new snapshot is refreshed, all EOY CERT004 errors for that students will clear up. CERT131 - LEAs are required to exit all 2017–18 enrollments in CALPADS in order to certify End-of-Year (EOY) 3 in 2017–18. Please refer to CALPADS Error List for detailed information on all IVRs and CVRs End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

30 Dual College Enrollment Reporting
As stated in Flash #131, in order for CDE to determine which courses are college credit-bearing courses in CALPADS, the Course Section Completion (CRSC) records submitted to CALPADS must reflect the following attributes: CALPADS Field #9.07 (CRS-State Course Code): ·       2190: Dual Enrollment College Course – English Language Arts ·       2290: Dual Enrollment College Course – Foreign Languages ·       2490: Dual Enrollment College Course – Mathematics ·       2690: Dual Enrollment College Course – Science ·       2790: Dual Enrollment College Course – History/Social Science ·       2890: Dual Enrollment College Course – Visual or Performing Arts ·       6090: Dual Enrollment College Course – Other  OR ·       Any of the career technical education course codes AND CALPADS Field #9.19 (Course Section Instructional Level Code): ·       Courses marked with 16 - “College Credit” So in order for a course to count as “dual enrollment” for CCI, the course: 1.      must be mapped to one of the dual enrollment course codes OR 2.      must be mapped to a CTE course code AND be flagged as 16 – college credit Mapped to one of the dual enrollment course codes: 2190: Dual Enrollment College Course – English Language Arts 2290: Dual Enrollment College Course – Foreign Languages 2490: Dual Enrollment College Course – Mathematics 2690: Dual Enrollment College Course – Science 2790: Dual Enrollment College Course – History/Social Science 2890: Dual Enrollment College Course – Visual or Performing Arts 6090: Dual Enrollment College Course – Other  Mapped to a CTE course code AND be flagged as 16 – college credit End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

31 Common Problems End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

32 Common Problems CERT097 (Fatal) – Missing Title I Targeted Assistance Program Records Annual CARS update for Title 1 Schools (Targeted vs. Schoolwide) should be done early on CERT131 (Fatal) - triggers when Student Enrollment Record in current active AY is not exited prior to EOY-3 certification All active academic year enrollments must be exited to clear this fatal error and to be able to certify EOY-3 Here are some common problems to keep in mind: Ensure your annual school designation in CARS is done early on to avoid CERT097 fatal certification error. End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

33 Wrap-Up Wrap Up We will now wrap-up today’s training and send you off with some suggested Milestones, reminders and resources to consider. End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

34 EOY Considerations Things to consider prior to submitting and certifying EOY: Personal considerations Ease of submission, workload, summer break/vacation Local factors Availability of school site staff and district personnel, internal deadlines Priority of data submitted Perkins funding data, Public data statistics, Cohort results Potential reporting milestones Last day of new enrollments, When are final grades available, last day of school CALPADS deadlines Benefits and consequences of meeting the initial EOY deadline and amendment window deadline Read slide End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

35 EOY Submission Strategy
Submit data and certify individually depending on priority Which data collection is most important? EOY 1 Course Completion/ CTE (CTEIG Perkins data, College Career Indicators) EOY 2 Program Participation (homeless, title 1) EOY 3 Absence Summary/ Cumulative Enrollment/ Discipline (4yr cohort, suspension rate, chronic absenteeism, ESSA, UMIRS, IDEA) Submit data and certify concurrently When is the soonest data can be submitted based on availability? Is the data ready? Who needs to review the reports? Can the data be processed according to business rules and CALPADS input validations? Complete enrollment updates (SENR, SINF, SPRG and SELA records as part of ongoing maintenance will allow you to certify EOY 2) Submit course and staff data early in the submission window (SDEM & CRSC files can be submitted based on master schedules). Finish submission when final grades are released (Final grades may be available prior to last day of school). Submit and certify student discipline and absence summary after the last day of school (STAS and SDIS may have unexpected changes up until the last day of school) Fall 2 Certification Strategies Complete Fall 1 Submit and post Staff Demographics Submit and post Staff Assignments Submit and post Course Section Submit and post Student Course Section After considering the factors and the data requirements, implement a strategy that will allow you to meet the reporting requirements and the CALPADS deadline. Decide if you should: Submit data and certify the submissions individually depending on priority Submit data and certify concurrently Submit data and certify by ease or proficiency End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

36 Submission Strategy - cont.
Submit data and certify by ease or proficiency Which data collection are you most familiar with? Who is available to review the reports? How much time is required to complete the submission? Who is included in the submission? EOY 2 has the least amount of changes and records may have already been submitted if ongoing maintenance is up to date, students participating at anytime during the year submitted The strategy you implement should be made between now and the start of the official submission widow. Consult with the subject area experts, site staff and district admin to determine how best to complete the EOY submission. EOY 3 may be most important and time consuming. STAS is in the second year, SELPAs need to review discipline reports, all primary and short term enrolled student attendance reported and all enrolled students with disciplinary incident. EOY 1 is directly related to Perkins funding, data affects the CA school dashboard CCI, only data for 7-12 grades submitted End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

37 EOY Readiness Local Readiness
Certify each school’s Title 1 status in the Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS) Meet with internal staff early to plan Identify problems encountered last year and actions needed to eliminate problems this year Communicate to sites to determine what is needed Determine who will review EOY submission data and identify their summer schedule to ensure EOY data are reviewed and certified before staff leave Set timelines Upload Program and Discipline data in May for staff review Here are some of the tasks you should focus on locally to ensure your EOY submission is successful. End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

38 5/14 6/15 6/29 7/13* 7/31 Suggested Timeline
Now Complete SIS Data Population 5/14 Upload files and correct errors or discrepancies as needed 6/15 25 days Review certification reports, correct errors, and fix discrepancies 6/29 10 days As a resource we have included a suggested timeline--for all 3 EOY submissions. You will want to consider when you site staff will be leaving for summer break when you create your local calendar. Determine by end of May, who the data stewards are to review the aggregate reports. If they leave for the summer, you will want to pre-arrange the report review process and certification. Add additional time for the overnight snapshot process during the last week of the submission window. All 3 EOY submissions report data throughout the AY (7/1/17 to 6/30/18) and this means your data should be kept current in your SIS to make these submissions efficient and accurate. Distribute reports for review and approval 7/13* 14 days Certify (level 1 and level 2) 7/31 12 days Reminder: If you plan to decertify, allow adequate time to make corrections and for snapshots to run * Make sure to adjust dates if your LEA closes earlier for summer End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

39 Certification Reminders
Prioritize your submissions as follows: EOY-2 (All LEAs) EOY-3 (All LEAs) EOY-1 (LEAs with grades 7-12) Remember to review all reports for accuracy before certifying. K-8 districts with zero report counts must still certify EOY-1. Make sure your snapshot is certified at Level 2. If not certified at Level 2 on or before the deadline day, none of your work counts.. Certification Reminders The last day to make changes that will be included in the snapshot is the day before the certification deadline, which is 7/31/17 Verify the required certification status is Snapshot Certified – Level 2. All aggregate reports should be reviewed for accuracy before certifying your submission. During the amendment window, LEAs have the opportunity to decertify and make corrections to their data. If you decertify, please remember you must be certified at level 2 on or before the amendment window closure date (8/11/17). If you do not recertify by 8/11/17, zero counts will be reported for your LEA even though you had certified previously. No Certification Warnings LEAs must do local comparison to prior year reports Fall-2 Data is not used for EOY-1 submission End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

40 Resources CALPADS Calendar System Documentation
System Documentation Document Description Sections CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) File layout and requirements for batch submission SENR, SINF, SPRG, SDIS, SDEM, CSRC, SCSC, & SCTE tabs CALPADS Code Sets Detailed state code lists CALPADS Valid Code Combinations Matches up related codes CALPADS Error List Detailed error message descriptions SENR, SINF, SPRG, SDIS, SDEM, CSRC, SCSC, SCTE, EOY 1-3 tabs CALPADS Data Guide Detailed requirements EOY & EOY We have provided the URL for resources that should assist in your CALPADS submissions. The calendar is a great resource to share with management and other staff members. It has a high level overview of the data submitted for each submission and hopefully will assist in a team effort for CALPADS. CFS is what your SIS vendors use to create their extracts and each file has a tab to review to see what data is required and any rules tied to them. CALPADS Code Set list the expected state codes for data elements. It will also assist in determining what ed code the offense ties to. CALPADS Valid Code combination provides the valid code combinations for data elements that are conditional, i.e. Student Offense 100 (Possession, Sale, Furnishing a Firearm) requires that the Weapon Category Code be reported. CALPADS will verify that the valid code has been submitted for each element. CALPADS Error List is an extremely important resource to assist in resolving your warnings and fatal errors. Each file submitted will have a tab to access to assist in your error resolution. For your uploaded files errors, CALPADS lists which data elements were reviewed for the error detection and a suggested resolution. This allows you to review what is in your SIS for these elements. You will want to review section of the Data Guide for EOY 2 and section for discipline. End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

41 Resources Career Technical Education documents
Perkins reporting changes Administrator Recommendation of Expulsion Matrix Here are some resources for CTE, Expulsion Matrix, our training URL, CALPADS FAQ, & CP Report Data Mapping Guides CALPADS Training Registration CALPADS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (Removal to Interim Alt. Setting) CALPADS Report Data Mapping Guides End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

42 When is CARS update needed?
Quick Check When is CARS update needed? Do K-8 LEAs with no departmentalized courses need to certify zero report counts? What are the EOY certification deadline dates? When is the last day of school? When are final grades available? What about vacation schedules? What are your deadlines? What are three things you can do right now to prepare for EOY reporting? End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

43 Support Web:
Phone: Listserv: The preferred method of requesting support is through the service ticket. If you have not taken the opportunity to save this URL, please do so today. Saving this URL allows you the ability to send a service request even if you can’t access CALPADS. This URL is also on the FCMAT/CSIS site and the CDE’s. The service ticket allows you provide information which assist support to quickly respond to the ticket. This helps in our peak service request times—close to the deadlines to expedite service requests. If you call , you will go immediately into our voice mail system. is another way to request support. But both the phone message and this URL requires a support staff to take the information and create a service ticket. The list service is the CDE’s one-way listserv, which means LEAs cannot respond but only receive notices. This Listserv notifies you of changes for deadlines, data submissions, etc. You will want to join today if you have not done so. End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

44 Please Complete Our Survey
Training Evaluation Please Complete Our Survey Questions Please take the time to complete our training survey. Your responses assist in improving our trainings. Please indicate what you like, if there were areas you thought should have been covered that weren’t, and any suggestions to improve our training for you. We review these surveys on a regular basis—in fact due to LEAs’ suggestions we have changed our survey, have included more visual aids, and demonstrations in our trainings. Survey URL: Thank you for providing us the opportunity to evaluate our trainings. 44 End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018 44

45 EOY Checklist Complete Due Date Description
Is student profile data (SENR, SINF, SELA) updated in CALPADS? Check with your vendor for any system updates and processing recommendations. Identify who will update and verify EOY submission data: Program Counts Discipline Data Course Completion/CTE Courses Create a schedule for data submission, reviews and certification. (Remember to account for staff vacations) Attend EOY training EOY 2 and 3 EOY 1 EOY for Experienced Users Verify Title 1 status for schools in CARS Targeted or Schoolwide Coordinate with school sites to update discipline and program data Run audits of data to check for all required elements End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

46 EOY Checklist Update CALPADS with program participation for:
Complete Due Date Description Update CALPADS with program participation for: Code 108 – Opportunity Program Code 113 – California Partnership Academy Code 162 – Pregnant or Parenting Programs Code 185 – Transitional Kindergarten Code 101 – 504 Accommodation Plan Code 122 – NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted Code 174 – NCLB Title I Part A Neglected Code Homeless Run ODS reports 5.1 review initial counts Update CALPADS with discipline data Run ODS reports 7.1 to review initial counts Update CALPADS with course completion data for grades 7-12 Update CALPADS with CTE data Review certification reports (once the submission window opens) Have key staff review reports to verify accuracy Certify Level 1 and 2 End of Year Overview & Changes for Experienced Users Training v1.0 April 24, 2018

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