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PROFESSIONAL TRAINEESHIP Bureau Architectenregister Henk Döll

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1 PROFESSIONAL TRAINEESHIP Bureau Architectenregister Henk Döll
VIA / AnArchi BEP Event Eindhoven Februari 22nd, 2017 Bureau Architectenregister Henk Döll

Dutch Architects Title Act (1988/2010): title protection Architects’ Registration Bureau: • maintains Dutch Architects’ Register • competent authority for the application of the european directive on the recognition of professional qualifications Professional Traineeship most important issue in the 2010 revision of the Dutch Architects Title Act

3 January 2017: 14.163 Registrations
Thank you! January 2017: Registrations % 832 6% 773 5% %

from January 1st, 2015 after a master degree a two-year period of professional experience not to be compared with an internship under the supervision of a mentor

5 TWO ELEMENTS Individual track: work under the supervision of a mentor
Additional track: modules (training / courses) for additional knowledge, understanding, skills and reflection on the professional practice

6 TWO ROUTES Two options for the additional track: • Participate in the integrated programme Follow the independent route Both options: • Work (in paid employment or self-employed) Keep a logbook Meet the statutory regulations of the Professional Traineeship Regulation (and required standards / ‘eindtermen’)


8 INTEGRATED PROGRAMME complete programme with authorized provider
all elements of the additional track does consider personal experience and circumstances study coordinators available for advice you build a (multi-disciplinary) network



11 INDEPENDENT ROUTE develop your own path (with the help of your mentor)
choose your own modules from various providers including approved in-company training follow your personal experience and circumstances intake, interim en final meeting with Committee no study coordinators or advisors available





16 PEP



19 PPP & LOGBOOK PPP: describe per required standard (‘eindterm’) how you expect to reach them, which tasks are you going to fulfil in the near future and for what specific projects Logbook: record your professional experience, e.g. weekly: what did you do, make, learn? Both PPP and logbook give participant, mentor and committee insight in the progress of the professional traineeship

20 PPP & LOGBOOK examples

21 COSTS integrated programme: fixed participation fee
(PEP: € 995 excl. VAT per half year) independent route: costs of modules (variable) and evaluation meetings with the professional traineeship committee (intake meeting € 320, interim meeting € 320, final meeting € 320)

22 FINANCING costs are tax deductable for entrepreneurs / self employed
financial contribution by the employer (cao) fund for talented designers at Stimuleringsfonds available for the forst two-year period (until May 2017): discount vouchers sectorplan (participant or employer) website Stichting Fonds Architectenbureaus (SFA)

23 THE PARTICIPANT • similar as before 2015: after your degree you look for a job/work, with help of TU / friends / family, websites etc. • before you can register and use the title: follow the professional traineeship programme • what’s in it for you: supervision, accelerated acquisition of experience and knowledge, you get into contact early on in your career with all kinds of - business - aspects of the profession, it provides better career opportunities, (with integrated programme) a multidisciplinary network


25 THE MENTOR • registered for at least 3 years in discipline of participant • usually in the office / work place of the participant an external mentor is also allowed (‘buitenmentor’) external mentor for the self employed • present at intake and interim meeting with committee • what’s in it for him/her: inspiration, reflection on their own professional approach, educational and new input from colleagues; they contribute to the profession(al standard)



28 THE EMPLOYER • employer: firm of (landscape/interior) architects or
possibly a city department ‘stedenbouw’ or other company in the realm of design and construction • provides work on different types of projects, to meet the ‘requirements’, permits to follow modules • can provide supervision (mentor) • what’s in it for them? the employee is in a much earlier stage able to work on all kinds of tasks, he/she designs more consciously; plus you contribute to the profession(al) standard



31 STARTED: 139 (February 2017) Integrated programme: 81 (+15)
Architecture: 73 Urbanism: 4 Landscape: 4 Interior: 0 Independent route: 58 (+20) Architecture: 54 Urbanism: 0 Landscape: 2 Interior: 2

32 Thank you for your attention!

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