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By: Ryan S. and Joe C. Grade 5

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1 By: Ryan S. and Joe C. Grade 5
Tropical Rainforest By: Ryan S. and Joe C. Grade 5

2 Location: Tropical RAINFOREST
The tropical rainforest is located in Latin America, Brazil, and the pacific islands. The climate in most rain forest is 75 degrees- 80 degrees fahrenheit. It is very humid do to the amount of rainfall.

3 Plants Some plants in the tropical rainforest are:
-passionflower- has a white creamy inside for food - orchid- droopy leaves that hang on the end of the branches -cocoa- has seed pods hanging from its branches. - kapok- is very tall, so it can collect lots of sunlight - bangle babone- grows in scattered areas

4 Animals Some animals are:
-Howler Monkey- It eats leaves, fruit, buds, and flowers. They live in the canopy level. -Poison Arrow Frog.- Also known as the dart frog.It has a long sticky tounge to cacth timy bugs and ants. It is small and bright colored and has extremely poisonous skin. It takes the eggs it lays by the river so when they hatch it can bring them to the river. -Leopard- Eats baboons, gazelles, and other herbivores. It is part of the cat family. The male weighs kg. And the female weighs kg.

5 Endangered species Endangered species are : -Lear's macaw
-Brown spider monkey -sumatran tiger Threats to the rainforest are: logging industries cut down rainforest trees used in flooring furniture and other items. Paper industries also cut down trees for paper.

6 What we Learned About our Biome
What I learned about my biome is that the rain forest has very high rainfall. What really surprised me is that how many endangered species there are.There are also many threats to the animals which is what's making them endangered. Some threats are that the trees are being cut down and destroying the environment and animals habitats.


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